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Welcome to Markethive


Posted by Scott Worswick on November 14, 2023 - 5:37pm Edited 11/14 at 5:37pm


Hey, you’re going to love this. Welcome back to Six Minutes, this is Bob Proctor. I’m going to give you 2 four letter words and when you put them together it’ll change your life. Atti and tude, and you’ll put them together and that spells attitude. Earl Nightingale said that was the magic word.

Attitude—it’s the most important word in this or any other language. I think it was William James said that “attitude was the greatest discovery of his generation... that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind.”

Do you know if you go way back (67 years before the life of Christ) Hermes said “if you want to change your life you have to change your vibration”? Do you know how to change your vibration? Change your attitude.

What is attitude? I remember when I was a young kid in school, the teacher would say “You know Bob, you’ve got lots of potential if you just change your attitude.” And they’d send me home with a note and my mother would say “Are you going to change your attitude?” "Yeah, I’ll change my attitude." I didn’t know what it was. But you know looking back in retrospect I don’t think the teacher knew what it was. And I know my mother didn’t know what it was.

Attitude is truly a magic word. It’s the composite of our thoughts, our feelings and our actions. Now get this: our thoughts are on a conscience level...our feelings are on a subconscious level and our behavioral pattern comes from the physical, the body. It’s the thoughts, the feelings and actions. And when you bring them all together that forms attitude.

Now you may say, well don’t actions always follow feelings and the answers “yes”? Well don’t feelings always follow thoughts? And the answer is “not necessarily”. I can be saying something very positive and I can be feeling something very negative. My mind’s in a conflicting state. Think about that: you’ve got to get your thoughts and your feelings and your actions all lined up. Now some people refer to that as integrity. Others refer to it as loving yourself.

When you get your mind in harmony with a great idea, you can do that with a negative attitude or you can do it with a positive attitude. Now that brings in the subject of choice, we’ll talk about that in another lesson. But you want to make sure your attitude is as good as it can be all day long.

Do you know with a bad attitude people will just move away from you? They don’t want to be around you. They may not even be consciously aware that they want to move away from you. But they will move away. Do you know with a good attitude nice people will just gravitate towards you? They’ll want to get close to you. They’ll want to touch you; they’ll want to be your friend.

Attitude will change everything. Doctors will say we’ve done all we can it’s up to you. Your attitude - just see it’s the thoughts that control the vibration. Your body can’t be in a disease vibration when it’s in a real good vibration. Think, attitude, atti and tude.

You may say “I don’t like her atti or her tude”. Atti-tude, 2 four letter words that make something marvelous out of it. And you can do it and I can do it and you want to know something—attitude is a matter of choice. It’s the composite, it’s like baking a cake. It’s like putting the right ingredients together and say great cake. Great thoughts, great feelings, great actions, like that—great attitude. It’ll change your life.

Now all day say is my atti and tude in harmony? Am I on the right track? You’ll be happy you are. Think about it all day long. And you’re going to find that today you’ll get results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor, and thank you.