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Welcome to Markethive


Posted by Scott Worswick on November 30, 2023 - 4:25pm Edited 11/30 at 4:29pm


Hello and welcome back its Bob Proctor and I’ve got a big one for you today. It’s on Decision, a single mental move that can carry you to great heights.

You know this book [Referring to Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill], the first book I ever read and I’ve never stopped reading it. It’s not that I’m such a slow reader, there’s just so much in the book. And I like to ask myself, “am I doing that,” when I read it, and if I’m not doing it I just keep reading it. Well I’m not doing everything in this book. But listen to what he said he devoted an entire chapter:

Napoleon Hill said, “Accurate analysis of over 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure disclosed the fact that lack of decision was near the head of the 30 major causes of failure.” And he said, “This isn’t any mere statement of theory it’s a fact.” Now he said, “Analysis of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes well beyond the million dollar mark…” and this is back in 1930, “...well beyond the million dollar mark disclosed the fact that every one of them had the habit of reaching decisions promptly and in changing those decisions slowly, if and when they changed them at all.” He said, “People failed to accumulate money without exception. They had the habit of reaching decisions if at all very slowly and in changing those decisions quickly and often. I’m going to take you right near the end of the chapter and read a part to you. He said, “Those who reach decisions promptly and definitely know what they want and they generally get it. The leaders in every walk of life decide quickly and firmly that’s the major reason why they’re leaders.” The world has a habit of making room for the man or woman whose words and actions show they know where they’re going. Now he said, “Indecision is a habit, which usually begins in youth. The habit takes on permanency as the youth goes through grade school, high school and eventually through college without any definition of purpose. The major weakness of all educational systems is that they neither teach, or encourage the habit of decision.”

Now if you’re to talk to anyone that knows me they’ll know that I make decisions on the spot about big things. I make the decision to do things before we’re anywhere near ready to do them. I always figure if you start before you’re ready you’ll pull everything together. And it’s a habit I’ve got but you want to know something the people around me have got into the habit of doing the same thing. Follow the quiet voice within that’s telling you which way to go. Quit asking other people what do you think I should do, what do you think I should do? First of all they probably don’t think. If the average person heard what they were thinking they would be speechless. They’d just keep making noise. Listen to their conversation and it’s going to become obvious they’re not thinking or they’d never do what they’re doing. Watch their behavior they’d never do what they were doing if they were thinking. Decision, you’ve got a whole series of decisions you could make today. Maybe you should stay right where you are and write out all the things that you have to make decisions on and make them one after another. And advise people this is the way it is.

It’s like President Reagan said one time. He said, “When I make a decision I gather the information I needed and I make a decision.” He said. “I don’t take a vote. I make a decision.” l like that.

A great American General one time said, “right or wrong make the decision. If it’s the wrong one you can go back and change it.” He studied the lives of 25,000 successful people - every one of them. I think this information is valuable to you. Sit and ask yourself. What do I need to make decisions on right now? And I guarantee you’ll become decisive. Do it today, do it tomorrow and do it the next day and you’ll turn it into a habit and you’ll become known as a very decisive individual. And that’s will give you Results That Stick.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.

M H Perfect psychological view, thanks for this article.
November 30, 2023 at 5:33pm