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How To Leverage Your Profile, Bio, And Social Networks For Optimum Results 

Posted by Scott Worswick on May 17, 2021 - 9:38am Edited 5/18 at 10:28am

How To Leverage Your Profile, Bio, And Social Networks For Optimum Results 

The Multi-Dimensional Communication Hub
Personal Branding For You and Your Business 

Profile Page And Bio - How Does It Benefit You? 

Your profile and Bio page is the place to start upon joining Markethive and a perfect way to introduce and brand yourself. It is a multi-dimensional Communication Hub, where you access your blog posts, groups, videos, and tracking statistics. It also displays your badges and hive rank achievements, and your friends are all central to your profile. 

On a side note, there is no limit to the size of your friends' database. In other words, you can have an unlimited number of friends, unlike other social networks where they are capped at 5000.
Your profile page settings are where you access your Social network connectivity hub, Hive Rank statistics, The Vault, Banner Advertising, and very important, where you create and edit your Bio.

Your profile can be public, meaning everyone can view it. Also, when someone goes to your profile page, your BIO page is what they land on first, providing you have created one. They can then navigate to your “Recent Activity” page to see what you’re posting.   

Many websites have an “about me” page which is considered crucial for visitors to learn about them and decide whether they want to engage. It is one of the most visited pages on a site, so your Bio page can be regarded as your About Me page and is an excellent way to brand yourself and your product or service. 

A good Bio (About Me) page will serve your readers as well as your business. 

It establishes trust and leads to whether a person wants to further a relationship with you. 

What Do You Write About In Your Bio?  

Many find it challenging to write about themselves but hey, throw caution to the wind and just do it. Keep it simple, friendly, straightforward. You can even add a little humor if that’s your thing. Write about your experience, include credentials and accolades, why are you here, what are you passionate about? 

What do readers find interesting? Usually themselves, and things that benefit them, so it’s not all about you; Sure, Markethive is a social network, but it’s also an inbound marketing platform and the perfect place to showcase your business. So;

  • Present what you’ve got
  • Explain what it will do for your visitors
  • How they can take the next step to get more from you

It’s an opportunity to show them why they will benefit from choosing you and learn more about you.
Your content should reflect the unique value you offer within the Markethive environment and the products or services you offer. 

The Bio page is not limited, which means you can make it as long or as short as you want and include images, links, and videos. Just like the Markethive Blog features, it is delivered in both HTML as well as PDF. 

The Bio is optional and can be set to private invite, friends, or public. You can also edit or delete your bio from your Profile Page. However, one of the few common mistakes is not having an introduction or about me page. Sifting through the news feed or recent activity on your profile page can be tedious for a visitor. 

What Are The Other Common Mistakes?

People like to know who you are - really. So citing your name is essential, first and last name. Spammy names like “The Insurance Guru” or” Real Estate King” or ‘Crypto Nut” are not a good look for business, nor do they invoke trust. 

I’d stay away from gimmicky names; however, some people would rather keep some distance from readers for security reasons or just to have a little privacy. And that’s ok. Many people work and write under professional pseudonyms. However, in a social, decentralized setting like Markethive, I feel genuine is best. 

Another mistake is not having a photo of yourself. Even if you have a cat as a profile thumbnail, it is a good idea to have an actual image of yourself on your Bio page. If someone wants to refer you, hire, recommend or buy your product, it’s good to be able to put a face to a name. That, coupled with some well-written content, helps people to feel like they know you.  

Using video only can be another mistake. Although it can be a great rapport builder, some visitors may not be in a position to listen at that moment. Many users love video; some dislike it. If you do include a video, keep it short and interesting and have some text content for your readers. 

Profile Page Settings

Here is where you upload your photo and your Bio. This is where you should start. Click on the Profile Page Settings tab at the bottom of the menu, and it will take you to the page displayed in the image below. 


When there, you click on “Manage” shown at the right of each topic. This will open up the edit settings. 
You can change the privacy settings, and your profile page link is also shown in the image below.

Recent Activity - That Pays

Recent Activity acts as your personal timeline and displays the posts you publish in the news feed or on your recent activity page. As well as your capture page link that can be accessed on the Referral Program page, your Profile Page link is also your portal to invite others to join. By referring to just three people, Markethive’s micropayment system activates. That means you are paid to use the platform within Markethive by way of a faucet in Markethive Coin. As the Markethive coin is a Consumer Coin, the velocity is poised to increase as Markethive enters full launch. 



Markethive Tracking Feature

Every aspect of Markethive tracks your incoming tracking and reports. This tracking is built into your Profile page, personal blogs, and your capture pages, also WP plugins, giving complete virtual data on all your assets. Such as daily activity report, Geographic map of connections, Device type, Bounce rate, referrers, Keywords, and Social Network traffic. You can view this tracking feature by clicking on Statistics in the menu. 

By Date View Of Statistics



Geographical View Of Statistics


Social Networks Connectivity

Authorize the integration of your other social network accounts and leverage them all from a single, powerful system! You maintain control of everything. With each account you add, you are opening up the features and options available to you through this system. This is an extremely powerful way to streamline and centralize your online marketing with social networking tools. 

Note: These are in the process of being updated. Markethive will add more networks, and the redundant platforms will be removed.



Markethive News Feed(s) Like No Other

Coupled with the Profile Hub, the present News Feed, which is nearly identical to other well-known feeds, is easy to use. But unlike the others, we have replaced Likes with Tips, tips that allow you the option to give Markethive associates a small token or coin of appreciation. 
Just around the corner, Markethive is delivering not one but four specialized news feeds;

  • The main social newsfeed (Buzzfeed)
  • The blog newsfeed (For Writers and Bloggers)
  • The curation newsfeed (Editorials)
  • The video channel newsfeed. (No need for YouTube) 

Soon you will be able to choose and tune in to what interests you. As far as Search algorithms go, you will be able to determine and orchestrate your algorithms. Not Markethive. You decide who and what you see on your newsfeeds. Your news feeds will be completely searchable as well, with both your news feed preferences and the search criteria covering hundreds of variables and options.

Markethive’s innovative designs for its various and specific news feeds will allow you to remotely post a snippet from your videos, blogs, or buzz feed, just enough not to get flagged, with a link back to Markethive to view the content in its entirety. 

This unique interface is compelling and will result in an increased reach and brand exposure, enabling you to get your word out to millions. Now we don’t have to tippy-toe around our social media accounts in fear of being canceled or censored.  

This gives us the power over the tech giants and gets the word out to reach millions of people in a somewhat covert way, and Markethive can do that automatically with its specific news feeds. A unique format, and no other platform, including the new free speech advocates, are doing this. 


This Is Just The Beginning

There are many new and innovative features in development to benefit and enhance your experience, so be on the lookout for them as they roll out. Markethive has built a secure system to empower the Entrepreneur, with unique valuable Inbound Marketing systems and commerce portals integrated within a decentralized social network.

Markethive aims to deliver many diverse platforms, opportunities to create wealth with gamification and is constantly evolving with your privacy, safety, and prosperity at the heart of this monumental undertaking. All made possible with a Blockchain foundation, which above all the other benefits, allows Markethive to pay its members (regardless of free or upgraded Entrepreneurs) to engage and work your business. 

To understand more about the many facets of Markethive, go to the company blog, where the different features and latest news is published. Most still don’t realize the enormity of the Markethive Platform. Then get started with your Bio (About Me page), refer three people to unlock the micropayment faucet, start accumulating your Markethive coin and be ready for the release of the Markethive wallet

We are focused on providing a Universal type of income for aspiring entrepreneurs. We believe sharing our resources with you as you build your business and seek to reach your goals benefits everyone in the community. 

If you haven’t visited the tutorials yet, this previous blog will guide you on how to complete the first steps. Markethive Tutorials - This Is Where It All Starts

We welcome all to our collaborative world of the Entrepreneur. Markethive is an international company that represents everyone. We are not specific to any national identity. We have no hidden agenda. Markethive’s heart and soul are freedom, liberty, financial sovereignty, and entrepreneurialism. 

To join Markethive click on the image below:

 ecosystem for entrepreneurs



Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for Markethive.com, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty.  I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.