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Law of Cause and Effect

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 24, 2023 - 12:58am Edited 11/24 at 12:58am

Law Of Cause And Effect

Here we are back again sharing ideas that’ll give you Results that Stick.

It’s Bob Proctor and the law is the Law of Cause and Effect. Everything you see around you is an effect. All of your behavior is an effect. All results are an effect. What we want to understand is what’s causing that effect. Now it’s a strange thing—cause and effect.

The effect then becomes a cause of a new effect. It’s a train of causation if you want to look at it that way. Emerson (as I’ve already mentioned on other lessons) said, "The Law of Cause and Effect is the law of laws." Now I want you to think of this for a moment. Everywhere you go, every educational program that you may get involved in, we start talking about behavior causing results. So we go through all kinds of behavioral modification programs but the results don’t really change.

Behavior causes results but you have to understand this ... it’s a secondary cause. You have to ask what causes the behavior and it’s the paradigm or the ideas that have been launched in the innate mind that universal part of you that causes everything to happen in your life and uses your body as an instrument. The body is an instrument of the mind. Study the way it’s behaving. Watch the moves it makes. See what you do and then ask yourself, “Why am I doing that?” If you don’t understand this law, you’re going to be puzzled till the day you die.

When I was a little kid in school, the teacher would say, “Bobbie why did you do that?” I’d say, “I don’t know.” “What do you mean you don’t know? You know better.” I know better. “Well, why are you doing it?” “I don’t know.” I’d go home and my mother would say, “Why did you do that?” “I don’t know.” “What do you mean you don’t know? You know better.” “ I know.” “Well, why’d you do it?” “I don’t know.” I went in the Navy. Every commanding officer would say, “Proctor, why’d you do that?” “ I don’t know, Sir.” “What do you mean you don’t know? You know better.” “I know.” “Why’d you do it?” “I don’t know.”

We can know how to do better but that doesn’t mean we’re going to do it. Our paradigm which we will talk about in another lesson controls our behavior. You see, ideas are fixed in our subconscious mind. Why do you think we stressed habits so much? It’s not what you know. Have you ever paid attention to how many absolutely brilliant people you know and they’re broke? You know how many others that are not very bright and they become very wealthy? There are people that are functionally illiterate and multimillionaires and others who may have a masters or a doctorate in commerce and finance and they’re broke. They know how to add it. They know how to store it or invest it. They don’t know how to earn it, because school has not taught us that.

We have to gain an understanding of how you earn money. We have to gain an understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect. Our results are an effect. The cause is inside. The more we study the laws. The more we study the mind and the operations of the mind ... the better off we’re going to be.

You’re going to get Results that Stick 95 times out of a 100. You may never become perfect (although you have the potential to be because you’re spiritual DNA is perfect). It requires no modification, no improvement. What we have to learn is how to express the Law of Cause and Effect better. It’ll give you Results that Stick every time.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.