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Our Gift

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 27, 2023 - 6:56am Edited 11/27 at 6:56am

Our Gift

Hello this is Sandy Gallagher—CEO of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. And I’ve got a thought provoking lesson for you today.

Listen to this. Nature gave a wonderful gift to most of her creatures. A gift we call "protective colouring" so the deer blends into the forest, the fish into the stream, the bird into the tree. But there’s a notable exception—this gift was withheld from the human creature and the human creature stands out like a sore thumb in any sort of terrain. I believe this is because the human was given a much greater gift.

You and I have the God-like power to make our surroundings change to fit us. See when you change or improve as a person, your environment and surroundings change to reflect that improvement. You can tell a lot about a person by carefully examining their environment and (contrary to popular belief) people are not a reflection of their environment. Their environment is a reflection of them. So you change a person for the better and the environment will change for the better as well. Really think about that. Watch a person change. They will leave their old environment and seek out a new one that more closely reflects their emerging being.

Our attitude is the environment that we carry with us at all times. It proclaims to the world what we think of our self and it indicates the sort of person we’ve made up our mind to be. Don’t you think you should spend a little bit of time being amazed by our great gift of creative ability and then do all we can to develop and utilize it? That’s what your assignment is about today. Okay, so what I want you to do—and this is going to take a little more thought than usual. I want you to sit back and think over your life so far. Try to identify a time when your environment changed noticeably as a result of you changing inside. Okay? Then recall a time when you thought you had changed but your corresponding environment didn’t change. Think about that. How can you account for the difference? Were you really doing all you could with your creative ability when you didn’t notice a change?

This is Sandy Gallagher helping you get Results that Stick.