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Welcome to Markethive


Posted by Scott Worswick on December 01, 2023 - 5:28am Edited 12/1 at 5:28am


Hello and welcome again to Six Minutes.

Here we are with a great idea that you can use all day and for the rest of your life. This is Bob Proctor and you’re going to like this. It’s a lesson on persistence.

Many, many, many years ago a good friend of mine and myself we were driving to the airport and we were talking what’s one quality that really guarantees a success and we were coming up with different things. But we both settled on the idea of persistence.

Now Napoleon Hill wrote an entire chapter on persistence in Think and Grow Rich. And in that chapter he said, “There may be no heroic connotation to the word ‘persistence’ but he said the quality is to the character of man, like what carbon is to steel.” Think about that for a moment. The quality is to the character of you and me like what carbon is to steel. It’s what gives you the strength. And so we talked about that for a while and we made a commitment that we would read the chapter on persistence out of Think and Grow Rich every day for a month. And we do that once a year.

I’ve been doing that for many years. Persistence is a phenomenal quality. We talked about quitting a while ago. You shouldn’t quit. Persist. You say well I don’t know if I can afford it. You will always find the money to do what you want to do. Persist. See I don’t know if I can get over that wall. Then go around it go under it or go through it.

Understand this, when you fix the idea of persistence in your mind and say, “That’s the target and as sure as it’s going to get dark tonight, I will reach that target. Persistence is going to be a part of my character from this moment on.”

Now, I’m not quite sure if John did that for a whole month, I did. That was years ago it’s helped me earn millions of dollars. It’s helped me build a company that operates all over the world. It’s helped me develop friendships all over the world. But more than anything, it’s helped me really like me. And you see when you get to like yourself that’s when your world really starts to bloom. Persistence…get the book Think and Grow Rich. Read the chapter every day for a month, and I’ll bet you anything I’ll bet you a dollar to a donut when you see me you’re going to thank me for the suggestion.

Now that is definitely an idea that will cause Results that Stick.

This is Bob Proctor and thank you.