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Gratitude - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 12, 2023 - 4:30am Edited 11/12 at 4:30am


Hello there and welcome to 6 Minutes. I’m going to give you an idea that will really change the course of your life today. And I want you to let it come into your mind all day long and every day for the rest of your life.

You probably saw the movie “The Secret”. 380 million people it’s reported were impacted in one way or another through that particular film, but the film was inspired by a book. Ronda Bern was inspired by the book The Science of Getting Rich.

Chapter 7 in The Science of Getting Rich is on gratitude and on the first page of that chapter there’s a line that has the potential of making your life so worthwhile. It says “The entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude.” Now think about that for a moment. I’ll repeat it. “The entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in one word, gratitude.” Now think about that for a moment. There’s times when you’re a little mentally disturbed about something. Somebody says something or something happened and it could be playing on our mind and causing us to look down the wrong road to feel bad about ourself and our environment. Well, if that’s happening, you need a mental adjustment. He said “the entire process of mental adjustment and atonement can be summed up in that one word, gratitude.”

When you find yourself being disturbed by someone or something - I’m going to give you an idea. Sit down and take a few minutes and just relax and then ask yourself “what am I grateful for?” Now you’ve got to be sincere. This has to be felt inside. I’m grateful for the fact that at my age I can work the way I’m working and I’m do the things I’m doing and enjoy all the people I’m enjoying. I’m grateful for the fact that I’m able to communicate this valuable information to millions of people all over the world. I’m grateful for the fact that I have attracted some beautiful people into my life. Oh, I can go on and tell you one thing after another.

It’s not hard for me to list them because I have turned gratitude into a habit. You see gratitude is the attitude that improves the quality of life, gratitude is the attitude that hooks you up to your source of supply. Think what I just said, gratitude is the attitude that hooks you up to your source of supply.

Now you may write on a piece of paper, write it on 2 or 3 pieces and crumble them up and put them in your pockets or stick it in your purse. Just the word “gratitude”. As you go through the day today, everytime something disturbs you just a little bit—and they happen—you may get cut off in the car. Just stop and say “I am grateful that I can drive the car.” “I am grateful for the fact that I don’t have to accept the negative information that’s coming at me.” “I’m grateful for the fact that I have the conscience and intellectual ability to reject that information and focus on what I am grateful for.” I guarantee it’ll change your life like night and day.

Gratitude is the attitude that hooks you up to your source of supply and understand this: the closer you get to the source the greater the supply. Isn’t that a nice idea? That’s just another idea that’s going to help you get results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor and thank you.