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Study - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 06, 2023 - 9:13am Edited 11/7 at 1:37am



Hello there and welcome we’re back with the Six Minutes of Success - this is Bob Proctor. This idea is absolutely crucial if you want to keep growing, increase your income, improve the quality of life, live in a nicer environment. You know what it is? You got to study. And you only have to until you want to, and then you don’t have to anymore.

Do you know I was 26 years old when I picked up this book? I have never read a book up till that time. You say, come on. Oh no, there’s a lot of people like me. Now this has been read and I’ve carried it for so long I got a big elastic around it because it’ll fall apart. You see the cover’s come off it, the pages come off it. I’ve been reading this book for 52 years. So you can figure out I’m getting up there. You see at my age you’re always working with the house’s money. You can’t lose. Well I’ve been reading this book Think And Grow Rich, and that man that gave it to me said, “Bob if you never finish the book, it doesn’t matter. Make certain that you understand and apply what you read”. It’s Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich.

If you were to visit me in my home, I have my home office in what I call my library. I’ve got over 3000 books around me ... all of which I’ve read ... some of them many times. I devour them. I have found out that studying is the one and only way you can develop understanding. Solomon said, "in all you’re getting, get understanding."

If you find yourself doubting yourself or possibly worrying ... how’d you like to replace it with the polar opposite? Do you know what the polar opposite of doubt and worry are? Doubt and worry are psychic diseases. They’re intellectual diseases. The opposite is understanding. You see doubt and worry are caused by ignorance. Understanding comes from knowledge and the only way you can get it is through study.

Now reading isn’t the only way to study, what you’re doing right now is study. My partner in the Proctor Gallagher Institute impressed me most of all when I first met her. She was a such a super, serious student. Long before I really got to know her, she knew more about me than I thought anybody could know.

Because she figured if she studied everything I studied that she could do what I was doing and she was right.

When she started, she built a phenomenal program and then she became a consultant with us ... and then a coach and she now is the partner. She’s the President and Chief Executive Officer.

And I know what got her there - it was studying. She understands things. She understands things that I have never studied. I don’t intend to, because she knows and I’m her partner. But you see, if you will study, you know what you’re going to find? Studying this, you’re going to find out who you are. You’re going to see yourself right at a core level. You’re going to realize your phenomenal potential. Think of this ... your brain is an electric switching station, and like that—just a choice of thought—you can alter the vibratory rate of your body. When you do that, you alter what you attract in your life. Did you know that the blood circulates through your body in hundreds of miles of passageway every 33 seconds? It carries all the food in and all the garbage out in one sweeping change.

Look at your hand. Just your hand. Do you know that your hand has the potential energy to light up the building you’re in for probably a month? There’s about 11 million kilowatt hours per pound locked up in potential electricity in the electrons in the atoms in our body.

And, I didn’t know all that when I first picked up this book. I didn’t know the war was over. I’d only gone to high school for two months. I had no business experience. But today I enjoy quite of the success in a lot of different areas and it’s all due to the fact that I formed a habit of studying. I study every day. Now I go to the bathroom every day and I brush my teeth every day, and I have a shower every day and I eat every day. These are things I automatically do without even thinking. I formed a habit of studying. I want you to think about that all day long.

A five letter word that’ll add dimensions to your life that will shock you. You will become so complete as a person, you’ll know more who you are. You’ll get to a point where you don’t really rattle your chain and your income will just keep going up. You’ll be able to turn your annual income into a monthly income. Now you may think that’s a gross exaggeration but I’ve done it. And if I can do it you can do it.

You see I have learned through study that you and I are exactly the same. We may look different. We may sound different but we’re not different. We are both spiritual beings living in a physical body corresponding with a material world and we’re God’s highest form of creation. Study. Keep studying. Watch Six Minutes every morning. Turn it into a habit. Study and you’re going to get results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.