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The Laws of The Universe

Posted by Scott Worswick on April 12, 2023 - 12:57am Edited 4/17 at 6:09am

The Laws of The Universe


Over the next few days I'm going to write about the 7 Universal Laws that govern the Universe.


First of all a little background. Unlike any other animal we have been given the power of choice or free will. If you think about it every animal is comfortable in its environment, except us humans. That is because, we have been given the ability to choose whatever environment we want. However, if we don't understand the laws governing the universe, we are at a disadvantage.


These laws are just like the material laws and we can either follow them or disregard them, but we cannot in any way change them. They will hold you to strict accountability with not the slightest allowance for ignorance. They will delver to you what you don't want as quickly and efficiently as what you do want.


So today let's look at the Laws and then go into detail about the first one followed by a look at the others over the next few days.


The 7 Laws of the universe:


  1. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation

  2. The Law of Relativity

  3. The Law of Vibration

  4. The Law of Polarity

  5. The Law of Rhythm

  6. The Law of Cause and Effect

  7. The Law of Gender.


Let's look more closely at the 1st Law:


The Law of Perpetual Transmutation – This law explains that everything in the universe that we can see, hear, smell, taste or touch together with our emotions, is the maifestation of energy in various levels of vibration. The universe as a whole and in its parts, has its existence in an ocean of motion. Motion is the only thing that is constant. Change is energy's only attribute that is apparent to our material senses. Energy is in a constant state of transmission and transmutation. It is the cuase and effect of itself and can neither be destroyed or created.

This Law explains the creative process.


Thought energy – Non Physical – Energy-Spirit-Thought


Thought build ideas “A” - Ideas Stir Emotions “A”


Emotions are expressed with and through the body. The body is moved into action which produces results. Actions “A” - Physical Results.


The Law explains that the Non-Physical level of life is always moving into Physical Form. The Physical level of life is the mainfestation of the Non-Physical.


Ideas and extracts from a Proctor/Gallagher Institue (PGI) course

to find out more about PGI click on the link:





Otto Knotzer Thanks for sharing
April 12, 2023 at 6:31am