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Auction of Moldavite Stones

Posted by M H on July 29, 2022 - 2:36pm Edited 7/29 at 2:36pm

Auction of Moldavite Stones

From wikipedia:

Vltavín or moldavit is a precious stone, a natural green-colored glass with a characteristic surface structure called sculptation. Vltavins are the only European tektites, rocks formed as a result of the impact of a meteorite. The richest deposits are found in southern Bohemia in the areas around the Vltava river (German "Moldau").

Moldavite was introduced to the scientific public for the first time in 1786 as "chrysolites" from Týn nad Vltavou at a lecture by Josef Mayer of Prague University, read at a meeting of the Bohemian Scientific Society.

Ninety-nine per cent of all moldavite finds have come from the South Bohemian localities, one percent were found in South Moravian localities (both Czech Republic).

In the 20th century, they were included in the group of tektites, while only in the second half of the 20th century the method of their formation was definitively proven.

The biggest collections of vltavíns is in National Museum in Praha.

A large amount of vltavine was floated into rivers, transported and then deposited in sediments, where they were etched by aggressive natural solutions for millions of years. Etching the unevenly resistant surface of the tektites then resulted in variously structured and deep wrinkling of the individual pieces, which we call sculpting.

The auction of moldavites offers the largest collection of moldavites in the world - a set of 34,313 pieces (141.0257 kg)which are divided into 14 auctions by 10,073.3 grams each. Price 200 millions Czech crowns = aprox. 9 million dollars

SZ / Besedické vltavíny jdou do aukce


SZ / Besedické vltavíny jdou do aukce 

It was already known in the Stone Age. Natural glasses such as vltavine or obsidian have sharp edges when broken, so they can be used as a primitive knife. Prehistoric people knew this very well, and since the occurrence of obsidian was not known in our territory, they used Vltavine for this purpose. These gems thus became an object of daily need in the processing of food and leather or the production of arrowheads and other weapons.

After that, vltavine fell into oblivion or perhaps lost its attractiveness, so we have no mentions or preserved jewelry with vltavine from the ancient and medieval periods. They only gained the greatest popularity in jewelry during the Art Nouveau period.

Perhaps people attribute different effects to each type of stone. It is no different with the mysterious vltavín. 

So what effects and properties are attributed to vltavín ?
Vltavín is said to protect against a hostile environment and radiate positive energy.

Vltavín supposedly leads a person to get rid of burdensome thoughts that are deeply embedded in us and burden us unconsciously. It is said that vltavine helps us achieve the unfettered freedom that a person requires in order to realize their dreams and desires.

It is said that the vltavín  influence us with their mysterious green color. If we have the gift of clairvoyance and telepathic abilities, it is vltavine that can awaken and activate them. If we apply vltavine to the point between the eyebrows at night, prophetic dreams can occur. Vltavín is ideal for meditative and mystical purposes, as it has a significant influence in the field of spirituality. Vltavíny can show us the right spiritual path and thanks to it we can discover our own SELF.

Vltavín (moldavit) brings us a message from space 
