मेजर जनरल जी.डी बख्शी का ये भाषण आपके रोंगटे खड़े कर देगा, गांधीवाद की जंग बहुत हो चुकी ! 11971 की जंग की पूरी कहानी सुनिए रिटायर मेजर जनरल जी डी बख्शी की ज़ुबानी #GDBakshiawarhero! #MajorGeneralGDBakshiSpeech #GDBakshiSpeech
The courage of conviction demonstrated by General in his speech is remarkable.
He is revealing new aspects of historical evidences in Bharat's struggle for Independance against Britishers giving rightfully deserved importance to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, a legend of his time.
Personally, I consider both Gandhiji and Nataji as super legends of their time. They had the same destination in mind but followed different paths.