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Social Media Metrics in 2016

Posted by Richard Tipsword on April 01, 2016 - 7:46pm

Social Media Metrics in 2016

Reach, diversity and speed are three of the most important factors that matter in social media marketing. The right software provided the right app for marketing a product online. Google ads hit their numbers with aggressive advertising skill showing us that the most important metrics which are being kept in view this year are:

• Insight metrics: The like button, the number of people that commented or shared the posts and how many people reviewed the content.

• Resonant metrics: The number of people, who shared or mentioned the content. The number of times the potential customers actually viewed the site and the frequency of its engagement with people.

• Sales metrics: Even if the potential customer visits the company site, it is not necessary that the purchase is made. So the number of sales is necessary to be determined.

Looking at the above mentioned measures, it is easy to gauge the upcoming trends of the year:


Engage and Watch

Real time engagement with the potential customer or the user lets the marketer get more insight into their personality profiles.

The better you are than your competitor at highlighting details, the more progress you will make with respect to analyzing future trends.

The trick is not to lose the interest of the audience. The trick to selling a product is through content marketing, but that just might restrict the possibilities of your business as not all of them may believe in the school of thought being projected. So the main thing to focus on this year is to make them believe in the information provided.

More and more visual aid is being utilized in order to capture the attention of the audience, keeping in mind the short attention span of the people browsing the internet on a daily basis. The videos are becoming increasingly entertaining and easier to watch. Additional innovation in the videos is the key trend to be followed for future generation of potential sales.

Pinterest and Twitter are still on this year’s most important list because of their new data driven strategies. Image specifications have taken the lead  and it has all become about the media portrayal.


The Buy button

Let all the buyable stuff out there be bought by your customers with the introduction of the big, shiny buy button.

Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter play a huge part in adding this to their sites in social media marketing.

Which leads us to the generation of the problem pertaining to privacy, which is going to be the leading priority this year.



2016, it seems, is yet again another year in this age of turbulence giving an edge to social media marketing. Social media, acting like an aggressive marketing tool, has taken over all the other portals to reach the end customer. It has made an impressive mark on the computer screens and has become their ally. Fresh new businesses are now focusing to get their word around using the effective, and relatively inexpensive way of social media channels.