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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by William P. Eason on September 25, 2015 - 2:50pm

FEW KNOW THIS... For twenty years we have been building an economic structure to resolve the inequities in society, to lift society into a new overflowing prosperity without falling into the false trap of "taking from the rich to give to the poor" If you read "HEAVEN CALLS" and "ARE YOU PART OF THE ONE PERCENT?" found in EMPORIUM within www.chips-corner.com you will see that we believe that we have put together the structure needed to bring the elite and under-trodden together in this massive common enterprise to push human society forward. During these twenty years we have periodically benefitted from significant insights provided by a partner that has always chosen to avoid "the spot light", But today, that partner is sounding a loud alarm because of a forecasted event that he believed could cause a major downward spiral that we may not be able to correct before it dashes hopes and dreams of 25 million people in the USA, potentially causing a major new economic disaster for the world. That event is a possible rate hike being considered by the U.S. Federal Reserve, which would likely cause 25 million pre-approved mortgage loans to have to be rescinded and re-evaluated. That is why he has insistently urged that we encourage all parties with pre-approved loans to go ahead and initiate the process of buying property now without waiting for their incomes to increase, and take advantage thereafter of our protocols to take care of and/or service those loans. However, recognizing that it may be too late to get "the word" out to enough people, our partner is asking that EVERYONE watch the location of this publication as number 31 in EMPORIUM within www.chipscorner.com to be alerted to a specific date for a massive national "no shopping 12 hour period" to underscore to the Federal Reserve the seriousness of the negative impact their proposed hike can have. This is an occasion in which the interests of the far right and of the far left and of everyone in-between coincide instead of colliding... The only ones that would benefit from a hike by the Fed at this time would be policy makers who would be remembered in history - but that memory would not be a favorable one! So, please, listen to our partner and join into a throng to make your voices heard by heeding a 12 hour shopping boycott. Also, please share this message via all social media you may be "plugged into" This message will be posted as number 31 in EMPORIUM in www.chips-corner.com and will be updated as we know more. Thank you for joining in this effort to avoid the dashing of dreams for 25 million familie