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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by William P. Eason on October 27, 2015 - 2:50am

THIS PROTOCOL REPLACES “KFG” All Members of the Internet Catalogue Club are eligible to take advantage of HEALTHCARE SOLUTION. HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS A healthcare provider (dentist, doctor, chiropractor, acupuncture, veterinarian, hospital, hospice, pharmacy, vitamin and/or herb vendor, etc. – any healthcare provider) that is a Member of the Internet Catalogue Club may take advantage of HEATLHCARE SOLUTION by registering with www.employeegold.info A healthcare provider (in any jurisdiction where it is not prohibited) registered with www.employeegold.info may obtain (with no debt to service) all funds necessary to take care of indigent patients, uninsured patients, costs not covered by insurance, costs related to processing insurance, equipment, office materials, medical supplies, remodeling or building facilities, and even providing disability income to patients, by using BANK SUPPORT found in the menu list of www.employeegold.info There are no charges involved and no out-of-pocket costs for healthcare providers that are Members of the Internet Catalogue Club. For more information and/or to obtain a Membership at no cost, contact a CENTER. To be assigned a CENTER send an email to centerassign@change2100.com PATIENTS A patient (in any jurisdiction where it is not prohibited) may take advantage of HEALTHCARE SOLUTION: 1) By using the services of a healthcare provider registered as indicated above; 2) By becoming employed by an employer registered with www.employeegold.info that uses that service to take care of insurance, co-payments, other medical costs and benefits, as well as income; 3) Or, by forming a business that registers with www.employeegold.info and using that service to take care of insurance, co-payments, other medical costs and benefits, as well as income. There are no charges involved and no out-of-pocket costs for patients that are Internet Catalogue Club members. For more information and/or to obtain a Membership at no cost, contact a CENTER. To be assigned a CENTER send an email to financialhope4u2@gmail.com