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Posted by William P. Eason on September 22, 2015 - 1:56pm

The outcome of the last Election in Greece has supported the markets yesterday.

As per our analysis a solid government in Greece supports the new bailout terms between the EU and Greece.

That means that medium term political tension is over and that uncertainty in Europe is vanishing quickly.

This is great news for global markets, especially in these fragile times.

The Dow Jones Index pushed higher yesterday Following EU indices and the Chinese market.

Dow Jones closed yesterday at 16,510 points and a momentum push can be achieved if it breaks 16,674. That breakout can create a possible short term target of 17,000 points.

The Vix Index dropped in according to market relief and is close to support at 18 points.

If markets continue to rise today put options should accumulate on the Vix index with a target of 18 points.