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Surprising Benefits of this Superfood P-8


Grapes are so much fun to eat with their round shape and unique texture

Aid in Preventing Cancer

Studies show that dried fruits, especially dates, prunes and raisins, contain high phenolic components that have stronger antioxidant powers than those in some fresh fruits. Antioxidants are extremely important to our health because they prevent free radicals (highly reactive chemicals that have the potential to harm cells) from causing cellular damage inside our bodies.

Free radicals are one of the primary, underlying factors that lead to the spontaneous growth of cancer cells as well as the spread of cancer, which is why high-antioxidant foods like raisins are such great natural cancer treatments. By including raisins in your diet, not only can you can increase your antioxidant levels, but you can also decrease cellular damage and ward off cancer.

Article Produced By
Annie Price
Staff Writer

Annie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach who received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she studied over 100 dietary theories with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. Annie has been writing about holistic health and beauty since 2008. Annie graduated summa cum laude from University at Albany with a major in sociology and minor in psychology. Through her writing and coaching, she loves to help people find ways to incorporate healthier, more natural choices into their daily routines to improve their health, both inside and out


(All these Articles can be read from this URL: 
https://markethive.com/group/ama/blog/the-role-of-resveratrol-in-achieving-optimal-health-p5 )

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