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Welcome to Markethive

Markethive is a concept and vision

Posted by Simon Keighley on April 19, 2020 - 4:08am

Markethive is a concept and a vision.

It isn’t designed to compete with or replace Facebook or LinkedIn. But when compared to Facebook’s culture Markethive’s support, security and privacy are superior. Unlike Facebook, Markethive put’s her members first by sharing the benefits of and revenues of Markethive’s growth and success with our members.

But Markethive is not just a social network. Our social network system is foundational to our system but that is where we part ways with the traditional social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Markethive delivers an Inbound Marketing platform equal to or superior to Marketo and Hubspot. Do you know who they are and the tools they offer? They are email autoresponders, blogging platforms, landing pages, social Media broadcasting, Tracking analytics, SEO, back linking automation, messaging, ecommerce, and seo. The benefits of these systems is to “attract”, “convert”. “close” and “delight”. Building a large loyal long term customer base.

Inbound Marketing platforms charge high prices for these services. Even platforms that only offer vertical service like email charge high prices. For example with just email platforms with 5,000 subscribers:

  1. Aweber: $48/mo
  2. Mail Chimp: $10/mo
  3. iContacte: $118/mo
  4. Getresponse: $45/mo

Full service Inbound Marketing Platforms:

  1. Marketo: $3,195/mo
  2. Pardot: $4,000/mo
  3. Hubspot:  $3,200/mo
  4. Eloqua: $4,000/mo


Marketo sold to Adobe for $4.75 billion. That is how valuable our Inbound Marketing platform is. Along with commerce platforms called groups that are far more than just groups. They are integrated to the Markethive capture pages as the Markethive landing pages within the community of your Markethive, all part of the overall nurturing aspects of the system. They are designed to facilitate commerce in selling goods or services too.

Paid to learn is also made available to all members to have a clear path to learning the navigations of the system and the applications of applying Inbound Marketing to your goals. All of this, paid to learn, $3.500 per months’ worth of Inbound Marketing platform, 500 coins dropped on every new member, at the current rate of .13 ($65). Does this even compare to Facebook? Do we even waste our energy even discussing that old archaic backwards BOOMER social system?

Markethive is a digital media site, offering unique current articles into the Internet with a wide range of interests, as wide as our memberships. Markethive’s reach extends out to our social networks, our 3rd party news sites, our subscribers Wordpress sites, gives Markethive customers, members and visitors unparalleled reach beyond the scope and imagination of any other platform.

This reach, content and growth of our subscribers, our content is the fuel that is driving our engines exponentially. As of this writing, our traffic has exceeded 65 million monthly impressions and over 435,000 unique daily visits. Each day this is increasing. Our social network followers total count is over 50,000 at this time and also growing exponentially.

Why? Engines

We need engines to drive our money machines. Money machines assigned to our members that have upgraded to our loyalty programs. One such money machine is called the BIX (Banner Impressions Exchange) an innovation where Marketihve’s impressions, a result of our traffic (engines), are assigned to a limited group in the (500 max Entrepreneur One loyalty program). This limited “franchise like” offer gives the member 1/500th share of the traffic to sell at market price; any or all of their impressions each month. For example as the numbers exist today, based on similar site impression prices (.01 per) $10/m with 75,000,000 monthly impressions divided by 500 gives you a monthly revenue of $1500 per month. When impressions can only be purchased from the 500 Entrepreneur Ones with an ever increasing members base these number will only improve. No one has ever done this before. We are first. We are giving our members our impressions to build a cottage business. This is only the beginning. We plan on rolling out many more money machines in the near future. Money Machines like:

  1. Press Releases
  2. Sponsored articles
  3. News Feed Boosts
  4. Video Ads
  5. Blogcasting
  6. Conference room advertising
  7. Pop Ups
  8. Article Email Notifications

The more we grow, the more we grow.

As we grow, revenues grow. Revenue pays you on your ILPs and funds more engineers and marketing for Markethive.  When you make more money, you have more resources to invest in further services, advertise and build your financial stability. Making you sound.

When we make money we build more services and promote Markethive in more places as we expand our territories. This increases our traffic we route to rotators to give the loyalty programs more signups, earning you more coins.

The entire system will eventually run exclusively on Markethive coins, producing a greater demand for the coin than there is supply. Services  in high demand from every company and entrepreneurs like Display Advertising, Press releases, Video ads, gamified product rewards, News Feed push, etc. Cointelegraph sells a press release to their from page for a few days for $10,000 just because of their traffic (Alexa Rank@ 2,172 which equals about 350 million impressions which would be about $4,200 per month for each Entrepreneur One upgrade member’s banner impressions alone.

Like I started out in the article, we are not even in the same orbit as Facebook, but way beyond anything they do. And no, we are not selling Markethive to them or anyone. I built Markethive for you and it is staying that way.

Now do you understand why Binance bought coinmarketcap.com for $400 million?  Why Adobe bought Marketo for $4.75 billion?

What are you waiting for?

Now a word from our founder

Attend our Sunday meetings, every Sunday at 10 am Mountain. See the link below


Our meetings will take place in out Google Meets until we have our conference room ready.


Thomas Prendergast