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Crypto - Reasons Why Passive Income Is Very Important

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on October 16, 2019 - 6:59am Edited 10/16 at 7:04am

Cryptocurrencies - Passive income is quite possibly one of the most important and central ways that the rich get richer. It’s how you detach your ability to earn from the time that you do have in a day. If you’ve ever heard the term, making money while you sleep, no truer words have been spoken. With passive income, you do make money while you sleep. You also make money while you’re awake. It’s automatic and simply keeps coming in.

Time is precious. It’s sacred. Just 24 hours in a day. That’s all we get. Not one person on this earth has more time than that. No matter their age, occupation, religion, color of their skin or where they live. No one. Time is the greatest equalizer because not a single person can have more of it. It can never be recreated or re-spent. It exists once, then it’s gone. And that’s precisely why passive income is so important — because time is more valuable than money.

Unlike money, which can be earned, saved, spent, invested, squandered and lost, we can’t tuck away minutes on a clock. We can’t expect dividends on seconds or hours in the bank, or invest the time that we didn’t use on something else. Considering that most of the free world needs to work for a living, consuming much of the time they do have, this precious commodity needs to be nurtured and savored.

However, creating a passive income stream is far from automatic. It’s no easy feat by any measure. It takes an enormous amount of effort and exertion of your time with very little return in the beginning. It involves an overall sense of frustration and an enormous learning curve. Still, it’s one of the most fruitful and worthwhile investments of your time that you could possibly engage in.

While passive income might not be the answer to all of your immediate problems, it is the pathway to success and most certainly the foundation for wealth and happiness. When you’re not stressed just to make enough money to pay the bills and you’re no longer living from paycheck-to-paycheck, there’s a mental clarity and an emotional catharsis that sets in. You become free from the shackles of a life-sucking 9-to-5 job and begin embracing a more fulfilled life.

When you have the time to choose to work or spend those precious moments with your children or go on some trip halfway around the world, you’re free. You’re free in the greatest sense of the word. Isn’t all the headache and the hassle worth that? Isn’t it time to break the chains that have restrained you to a life that’s been less fulfilled? I would think so. And I would imagine that if you truly are serious about getting rich in life, then you’ll embrace the passive-income machine.

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What Is Passive Income?

Before I dive into the reasons why passive income is so important, let’s first describe what it actually is. Passive income is income that’s received automatically with little requirement for maintenance. In contrast, active income can only be earned by directly translating your time for money. Whether it’s a pay-per-hour job or a salaried one, the amount of money you make is directly correlated to your time.

With active income, when you don’t work, you can’t earn. If something were to happen to you and you were incapacitated for whatever reason through an injury, illness or some other calamity, you would lose your ability to earn. If, for example, you were an athlete and you injured yourself so badly that you were unable to continue your occupation, you would lose your ability to compete and earn money altogether.

If you work as a contractor or a builder, without mobility and the usage of all your limbs, how could you work? If something were to happen to you and you lost a leg or an arm, how could you continue to earn money? If you got sick and needed an organ transplant and were out of work for months, how long do you think your employer would keep you on before letting you go? If your car broke down and you didn’t have money to fix it, how could you go show homes as a realtor or meet with prospective clients in any other capacity? It would certainly become far more difficult.

Most of the world lives in accordance to an active-income credo. They earn only based on the time that they work. The wealthy, however, operate on another set of standards, which involve a detachment of their physical time for the money that they earn. They earn passive income from a number of sources such as real estate rentals, dividends, interest income, royalties, franchise fees, laundromats, website advertisements and so on.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Creating a passive income stream is a massive undertaking. It involves the investment of a tremendous amount of time. During that investment of time, you receive no income. You’re investing your time with the hopes of producing an income down the road, not today. With active income, the money you earn is directly correlated to the time you work. But passive income continues to pay you long after the work has been completed.

Clearly, there are a number of ways to make passive income. Whether you’re looking to make money online or simply earn passive income through more traditional means such as real estate rentals, there are a number of ways to produce these types of income streams. While difficult at first, what you’ll come to realize is not only the importance of having passive income in your life, but you’ll also become addicted to it, seeking out ways to produce additional streams of this powerful fiscal method.

So when it comes down to it, there are likely dozens of reasons why having passive income is important in your life. This doesn’t mean that you have to quit your active-income employment. Of course, if you can afford to do that and throw yourself at passive-income generation, then you’ll fare much better down the road. But many people simply can’t afford to do that. With debt and other financial obligations, going without income for a specific period is simply not feasible for most.

The Reasons Why Passive Income Is So Important.

1 — Passive income gives you the freedom of time

2 — It reduces your stress, anxiety and fear of the future

3 — It allows you to pursue doing the things you love rather than what pays the bills

4 — It gives you the ability to live and work from anywhere

5 — It provides a platform for financial stability and growth.

No matter how you look at it, the importance of passive income is paramount. Many people discount it because they either don’t understand it or don’t think that having passive income that exceeds your expenses isn’t an attainable goal. Well, whatever the mind believes, the mind can achieve. That’s as true for passive income as it is for anything else in life. Believe it wholeheartedly with your spirit, and you can accomplish it. As long as you don’t give up.



Andries Van Tonder Thank you Mack.
October 16, 2019 at 11:04pm
Mack Shead Jr Great article Andries !
October 16, 2019 at 10:14pm
Andries Van Tonder Thanks Kevin for your comment.
October 16, 2019 at 10:31am
Kevin Jacobson I like the combined passive income with residual income and recurring income.
October 16, 2019 at 8:54am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you for your comment Marian
October 16, 2019 at 7:20am