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Get Rich Using the Power of Your Mind.

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on June 04, 2023 - 8:51am

Get Rich Using the Power of Your Mind.

As humans we are uniquely aware that we have brains and bodies capable of adaptability, that we can affect the course our lives take, that we can make choices along the way that vastly affect the quality of our lives-biologically, intellectually, environmentally, and spiritually. We have the ability to mold our very beings to become what or who we wish to become — and that includes intentionally becoming someone who earns a lot of money.

While some of us may have genetic and biological imperatives that may require medication or training to overcome, or at least to modulate, the vast majority of us have high functioning brains and thereby hold our financial destiny in our hands. Recent research has shown that our brains continue to be adaptable throughout our lifetimes; so, if you haven't primed your brain for financial success, there's still time. To get you started, here are seven fundamental things you need to know about your brain and how it relates to money.

Humans are designed to want, need, and ask for more, and since they are, they also come with a built-in design to get what they ask for. Otherwise, life would not have a purpose.

However, most of us are not aware of this fact. Thus we fail to recognize opportunities that pass us by every single moment of our lives. But you can change that within yourself.

All we have to do is listen to ourselves and our awesome powerful mind will show you how to do those things.

Here are the steps:

1) Know what you desire.

What you want is the first thing you should be aware of. Listen to your desires and there must be purpose in your desire.

No matter how impossible it looks at the beginning, dream big. Your feelings should be attached with whatever you desire.

2) Have a clarity of vision. Write down all the things you desire.

This step is necessary. If you do not write things down, your mind might change on the way to achieving the results, and that is a dangerous thing.

If you are confident about the clarity of your desires and think you won't change your mind, you should skip this step.

3) Read aloud everyday at least twice a day--when you wake up and when you go to bed.

When you read, make sure to visualize.

Create clear mental pictures of what life would be like when you have achieved the things you want.

Let your mind marinate into your dreams. Feel the joy and happiness of already having the things that you desire.

4) Show Gratitude. Be thankful of all the things you already have right now, and all the things that you will have once you have achieved them.

This stage is the most important step of all. Once you have started feeling grateful for the things you already have, your mind will recognize the potential of those things and find a way to use them as tools to create your future.

Gratitude creates the bridge between your current reality and your future reality.

5) Take the first step. At this point, your mind will start kicking out ideas on how to get to your future desires.

When that happens, act on faith. Believe in yourself. Do not hesitate. Obstacles might show up on the way, but you must believe that you have the ability to go through or around those obstacles when they show up.

Do not waste your time thinking about future obstacles now. This is the stage where most people fail. They have magnificent ideas, but they fail to act on those.

6) Anchor the things into your life. Whatever the thing is you want in your life, you will look at yourself and tie that thing to your personality, your likes .

7) Money Doesn't Motivate Your Brain

Money in itself doesn't satisfy a basic need for survival, like food, water, shelter, and sex. Money is just paper, after all; it's what money represents to us that has value. Money is therefore called a "secondary reinforcer" because, while it can be used to purchase a "primary" reward (food, water), it isn't a primary reward in and of itself. Actually, what you buy with your money might be a secondary reward, too! When using money, your train of thought can often go something like this:

Money (secondary reinforcer) à buy a yacht (secondary reinforcer) à attract a potential mate (secondary reinforcer) à fall in love (secondary reinforcer) à reproduce (primary reward).

Thus, money becomes more or less powerful based on your view of it and how you elect to use it. Unfortunately, your brain can have trouble with subjectivity. For example, if you have a huge dream peppered with lots of reinforcers, your brain may feel so overwhelmed that it will rely on emotion rather than logically decide which reinforcer needs to take precedence.

Set goals. Act on them now, not tomorrow. The stronger you associate to other positive energies in your life, the more important the new thing becomes in your life.

Andries van Tonder

I am a Digital Marketer and an Entrepreneur with over 40 Years of experience in Business and Marketing.

Business is my passion and I have established myself in multiple industries with a focus on sustainable growth. You will generally find me online  on FacebookTwitter, WebTalk, Instagram & Markethive

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto, have a magnificent day
June 4, 2023 at 9:18am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin. No matter how impossible it looks at the beginning, dream big. Your feelings should be attached with whatever you desire.
June 4, 2023 at 9:04am
Barbrin van Tonder Thanks for sharing Andries - a persons mind is very powerful - whatever you want to achieve in life you must tell yourself that you can achieve it and believe what you say
June 4, 2023 at 9:03am