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Grow your Business - Send 1.4 Million Emails Monthly to our Pre-Built Lists...

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on July 12, 2023 - 9:27am

Grow your Business - Send 1.4 Million Emails Monthly to our Pre-Built Lists..

Grow Your Business in 30 Days

We've done all the work for you. Just log into our easy-to-use web-based application, choose your niche, enter your offer and hit send. Your message instantly goes out through our email servers. That's all there is to it!

It is a well known fact in email marketing that the " Money is in the List" but no one ever said it had to be "Your List."

No need to built your own list when you can send emails to our ALREADY BUILD LISTS and start generating REAL TRAFFIC to any offer......Immediately!


Email Marketing


You are just seconds away from emailing hundreds of thousands of potential new customers and finding out how easy email marketing can be with Cliqly.

 Built in "Ready Made" email lists that connects to hundreds of thousands instantly

 Pre-Written and Pre-Approved Emails designed to get real traffic to any offer you choose

 Complete Email Marketing training shows you how to choose an offer and start generating sales immediately,

 Simply choose your niche, tell us how many of our subscribers you want to send the email to, choose a pre-written and proven email, enter the site you want the traffic to be sent to and push SEND to start generating real email traffic immediately!

Click Here To See How It Works 


Affiliate Marketers - Especially those in the Make Money space, because...

  • You can build a huge email list very fast at a cost per subscriber from 2c to 8c
  • You can almost certainly export your list to your favorite email autoresponder
  • Promote any offers you want
  • Promote the Cliqly Affiliate Program
  • Potentially PROFIT as you build your list 
  • TEST all the above free using the Cliqly Free Trial 
  • Heads Up: The quality of these leads is in my opinion very poor, TEST for yourself but don't expect too much.

People looking for an easy side hustle - Everybody can do this...

  • Takes under 10 minutes per day to work Cliqly 
  • NO SKILLS are required - the free training covers all - it's simple!
  • You can see the revenue you earn every single day
  • PROVE this works for yourself through the free trial (details here)
  • Heads Up: Earnings using the 10 cent clicks only (without affiliate commissions) are much more modest


WARNING - Though the free trial is aiming to have people in PROFIT within a 4 /5 week period, the amount of profit will be small, because earning 10c a click will require people to have a much bigger list in order to earn more. The bigger the list, the more email you can send ...the more money you can earn - make sense?

A popular strategy is to aggressively build your email list in the early days - reinvesting all earnings back into buying Cliqly Credits, with view to reclaiming profits later when you have a bigger list.

I prefer to show people how they can build and pay for their list using PROFITS. It takes a little longer but I believe it's the right way to start. 

Once you're confident in the Cliqly system you can then switch to a more aggressive strategy - right?

7 Minutes A DAY - Well Spent?

My GOAL with Cliqly is to build my list PROFITABLY.

Meaning I'm not looking to build the biggest list FAST, but rather grow my list slower, whilst making a profit.

Here are my daily Cliqly actions
(takes me about 7 mins)

STEP 1. Mon - Friday I send ONE email to 20,000 list building subscribers (none over the weekend). Total of FIVE emails to 100,000 Cliqly list building subscribers per week.

Always MAX out sending in Cliqly Pro - because it's PROFITABLE. This depends on what Tier level you're on.

STEP 2. I'm Tier 2 - so I send emails to 200,000 people every single day in Cliqly Pro. The people that click links earn me 10c each. 

7 minutes per day earns me approximately $75 per week, £300 per month and builds my list by on average 3977 new subscribers per month.

Is that worth it? You decide....

If you have used all your free credits offered with the trial, you don’t get any more unless you decide to upgrade with the $97 package. That will buy you 200k list building and 500k Cliqly Pro credits. You should also be able to see how much money you have earned so far. My suggestion would be to grab Abbey’s free Cliqly calculator / spreadsheet here because you can then model various building strategies to see which suits you best. Hope this help

Cliqly is a powerful email marketing tool that offers an innovative way to earn money while building your email list. With the ability to send out up to 115,000 emails per day and the potential to earn 10 cents per email opened, Cliqly is a great option for those looking to make money online.

In my personal experience with Cliqly, I earned $387 in my first 10 days, and my list has grown to over 8500 subscribers. This is a testament to the effectiveness of Cliqly's email marketing campaigns and the potential for success with this platform.

What I Like

What sets Cliqly apart from other email marketing services is its unique approach to building your list. As soon as you sign up, you receive 5000 subscribers added to your list for free, along with 700000 credits to start your advertising campaigns. This is a great way to get your advertising off to a flying start and start building your list right away.

One of the best things about Cliqly is that you don't even have to write the emails yourself. The platform provides pre-written emails that are already embedded with your affiliate link to ensure you get paid. All you need to do is send out the emails and watch the money roll in.

If you're looking to start earning money immediately and building a massive email list, Cliqly is the perfect solution. With the ability to send out up to 115,000 emails per day and earn 10 cents per email opened, this platform offers a unique and effective approach to email marketing.

In addition to the email marketing services, Cliqly also offers an affiliate program that allows you to increase your earnings potential. This program truly is a win-win situation, providing you with the tools and support you need to succeed.

What I Dislike

The minimum amount to withdraw is 300$. However, you can reach this amount with a few referrals just like me.

Final Verdict

Overall, I highly recommend Cliqly for anyone looking to make money online and build their email list. With its easy-to-use platform, pre-written emails, and innovative approach to email marketing, Cliqly is a game-changer in the world of online marketing.

To your success!

Andries van Tonder

I am a Digital Marketer and an Entrepreneur with over 40 Years of experience in Business and Marketing.

Business is my passion and I have established myself in multiple industries with a focus on sustainable growth. You will generally find me online  on FacebookTwitter, WebTalk, Instagram & Markethive