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How to Build an Ecosystem to Support Women Entrepreneurship?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on December 16, 2023 - 6:54am Edited 12/16 at 6:54am

How to Build an Ecosystem to Support Women Entrepreneurship?

Women Entrepreneurship

Women entrepreneurs are integral for a healthy entrepreneurial ecosystem, and strong economic growth. Female entrepreneurship opportunities and challenges are many. Entrepreneurs make innovation possible. Our community is a thriving hub of impactful connections, and entrepreneurs are at the heart of it. Entrepreneurs, including women entrepreneurs, drive vibrancy, innovation, and national economic growth.

Entering the world of entrepreneurship can be daunting for anyone. There are many nuances of business ownership that need to be taken care of. It can be tough to create a business plan, finding the right customers, hiring the right talent, and raising capital. Everything is foreign and scary as a first-time entrepreneur and. In a world that is largely dominated by men, the going can get especially tough for a woman entrepreneur.

Entrepreneurship drives the job market and contributes to economic growth. Despite having a thriving entrepreneurial culture, the startup scene is beginning to decline. As a nation, we must support entrepreneurship in all forms. We must develop communities that will encourage, guide, and strengthen startups founded by women.

In order to encourage and be more open to entrepreneurs, we as a nation must create an ecosystem of support for them. Here are some ways to support our female dreamers in our community.

1. Celebrate Women Entrepreneurs

One way we can all play a part in nurturing our country’s entrepreneurial spirit and to build an ecosystem to support female entrepreneurship is to recognize and celebrate our entrepreneurs. We must celebrate female entrepreneurs, regardless of their race, color, income, age, ability, identity, and entrepreneurs that “fail”. We, as a nation, must celebrate ALL entrepreneurs.

One way to build a supportive ecosystem for female entrepreneurs is to work with media outlets (TV, radio, newspaper) to highlight stories of female entrepreneurs building companies and impacting our community.

2. Female-Centric Networking Group

Building a support network is important for any entrepreneur. A lack of mentorship limits their professional growth over time. There is a popular saying— “It’s not what you know but who you know”. Finding women entrepreneurs who are sailing on the same ship is important. Building a female-centric networking group is a powerful way to foster the women entrepreneurship circle.

There are a lot of women-focused networking events as well as online forums and groups targeted at women players in the business field. This contributes to a female-centric entrepreneurship ecosystem.

3. Accelerators

There are several campaigns that help build awareness for women entrepreneurs and invest in women across the socioeconomic spectrum. Such campaigns also provide them with the wherewithal to build their businesses and brands. Participation in such programs and campaigns can help female doers learn, identify, and articulate. It helps them pinpoint key inflection points in their business and polish their presentation for venture investors. A number of accelerators for women have surfaced in our nation which is a good thing as it contributes to a healthy women entrepreneur ecosystem.

4. Safe Space

The journey of an entrepreneur is boosted by a thriving culture and ecosystem that provides support for them. A haven that fosters creativity and values originality provides entrepreneurs with benefits, such as learning from other’s mistakes, sharing knowledge, making lifelong and invaluable connections, learning new business skills, and keeping abreast of business trends. We as a community must create a safe space, where they feel welcome and ensure that it is equally accessible to all entrepreneurs.

Creating a culture of inclusivity allows for female entrepreneurs to dream bigger, bolder, and delve deeper. Creating space means developing a culture of acceptance that strengthens societies.

5. Commitment

Commitment is vital to drive a supportive ecosystem. An impact-driven ecosystem doesn’t happen overnight. It takes years of advancing entrepreneur programs. The recession may come and go, but a vigorous and pulsating ecosystem can weather anything to grow and support entrepreneurs.

Creating a long-term commitment to a healthy ecosystem requires the community’s support, starting first with entrepreneurs themselves. They must lead the community and represent what it stands for—drive, passion, growth, knowledge, energy. All investors in an ecosystem should be looking at the larger picture and focus on providing female entrepreneurs with proper tools to arm them. They must provide ample access to programs and training courses to support their idea, give them resources on how to build their idea into a thriving business empire, show them how to scale their business, and find capital, mentors, resources, and media connections.

A diverse set of female business owners must lead the ecosystem providing resources, tools, and knowledge.

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There’s Always Ways To Earn in Markethive

At Markethive, we are dedicated to ensuring that our rank-and-file members have seamless access to ILPs, as we firmly believe in making Markethive a company for all. To further enhance the benefits of being a part of our community, we have the Markethive Token (MHV) paid to members for daily activities via micropayments recorded in the Coin Clip. These features provide our members with long-term wealth and revenue opportunities and create a thriving ecosystem where our coin can be utilized to its full potential.

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View the white paper to clearly understand the Markethive vision and mission and the statistics and milestones achieved. White Paper https://markethive.net/Markethive.Whitepaper.V4.pdf

So, how do you get your hands on your share of an ILP? You can choose from the following two ways...

  1. You can purchase fractions of an ILP with the Markethive Token (MHV), starting with 20,000 MHV for 0.01 ILP, through to one full ILP for one million MHV.   
  2. You can wait for the ILP exchange to be completed and then buy ILPs or shares from other exchange members.
  3. You can purchase an ILP or partial shares from us (Markethive) directly. We sell whole shares and fractions as small as 1/10th for $1000.


In conclusion, Markethive's ascension, community participation, and status as a dynamic social network with increasing daily engagement and interaction on the platform indicate a promising future. As a comprehensive social media platform, Markethive offers indispensable inbound marketing tools for business growth and a thriving cryptocurrency ecosystem, ensuring a steady income for its members. With a successful system and the Hivecoin launch on the horizon, Markethive is set for long-term expansion and revolutionizing how we interact and conduct business online.

Markethive is in the final stages of BETA, offering a unique opportunity for individuals to establish themselves as early adopters. This cutting-edge platform is the future of social market broadcasting, providing a comprehensive system for long-term success, financial independence, and a sense of community. By leveraging the power of Web 3.0 technology, Markethive is revolutionizing how we approach social media, inbound marketing, and eCommerce. Take advantage of the chance to secure your place in this innovative ecosystem designed specifically for entrepreneurs.

About: Andries vanTonder

Over 40 years selfemployed 

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, an Enthusiastic supporter of Blockchain Technology and a Cryptocurrency Investor

Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account  | My Instagram Acount  | and my Facebook Profile.