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Internet Marketing - Be a Person of Value.

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on December 11, 2021 - 8:16am

Internet Marketing - Be a Person of Value.

When you are first getting started in any business, but especially the online/home based industry, you have to build your brand and reputation by proving VALUE TO THE MARKETPLACE .
So many people fail in our industry because they have the delusion (partly caused by a lot of HYPE) that they can just sign up for whatever business, spam people or blast their links all over Facebook or other networks and magically the money will start pouring in and then it’s off to some private beach sipping on pina coladas all day.

That’s not how our industry works. In fact everyone who’s ever made it BIG in our industry will tell you that they had to put in the work of being a person of VALUE; being a person who’s worthy of following; worthy of being listened to; and worthy of joining and buying from.
This is really the key to not only having BIG success in the online/home based business... it’s the key to becoming the ATTRACTOR FACTOR where people automatically want to buy from you and join you in your business.

So many marketers put in so much time and energy into building sales funnels to get automatic sales and automatic sign ups in their business and yet either don’t know or forget WHY automated sales and sign ups happen in the first place.
You will get more incoming leads, more incoming sales and sign ups for your business once you’ve put in the work of building a great personal brand and reputation FIRST!

People do business with people that they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST. And you get people to know, like and trust you by the VALUE you produce.
Put in the work to become a person of integrity who puts people first in your marketing and in your business, and eventually, just like Les Brown said, you will start getting paid for things you didn’t do.

Instead of you chasing everyone around you and trying to sell them on what you have...your loyal fans and followers will be chasing you down and wanting to buy from you and join you in business
And how cool and how rewarding will it be when maybe your chilling on some beautiful white sandy beach sipping on a pina coloda and KA CHING...your phone is beeping like crazy with notifications of another sale, another new team member, another new client and so on!
All because you took the time and energy to first GIVE and not take.

Markethive's Automated Marketing System Is Free!!

MarketHive is a social marketing platform called a Market Network for entrepreneurs that have the combined power of Facebook and LinkedIn, Twitter, WordPress, and Google Blogger.

It's a great place to blog and post about all things we discuss on LinkedIn, Facebook, and other social media outlets but you'll be able to blast your posts or blogs out to all of your social media platforms simultaneously.

In essence, MarketHive is all about empowering entrepreneurs through social engagement and marketing.

You're probably asking yourself how can something be really amazing with state-of-the-art Technology if it's Free?

Well, we built Markethive for you the entrepreneur. We built it for those that have the guts to step out of the inline thinking of getting a job and working every week for a paycheck. Like you, Markethive is built on the premise that it is better to create jobs rather than go out and find one.

Don't misunderstand me! I'm not saying that having a job is a bad thing, I'm saying if you desire more like many of us do. Then Markethive can help you with a road map and like-minded people to help you along the way.

Markethive is built to inspire, give hope and a clear path to success. When you join Markethive for Free you have a whole social network of business people, which we call the Hive. These business minded individuals are just like you and they too have a drive deep down in their belly to achieve goals that are greater than that of the average internet marketer.

But Markethive is not just a social network like Facebook or LinkedIn. We offer you a great number of tools that bring all of your social network accounts under one roof. You can not get these tools on other sites. How do we know this? Because we've scoured the Internet looking for them.

What we have at Markethive has a Bad To The Bone AAA+ rated Email Autoresponder system, a Blogging Platform that connects into WordPress, Back-office Analytics Tracking, Capture Page creation, One Click Widget, Groups Section so that you can collaborate with other entrepreneurs and Blog Subscribe.

And so many more E-commerce Hubs and Portals coming, including a web-based conference room that offers complete Privacy and security.

To join Markethive for free, click HERE

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.
South Africa.

Andries Van Tonder thank you Alexandru
March 28, 2022 at 7:41am
Andries Van Tonder thank you Liaquat, appreciate it
December 19, 2021 at 8:42am
Liaquat Ali Mirani Thank you for sharing such Good content which is very useful
December 19, 2021 at 8:34am
Adonel Lowings Thank you for sharing, Great content
December 11, 2021 at 6:11pm
Andries Van Tonder thank you Corneliu, appreciate it
December 11, 2021 at 10:31am
Corneliu Boghian good info , thanks
December 11, 2021 at 10:26am