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Markethive - World Class Portfolio of Inbound Marketing Tools Included

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on November 08, 2022 - 4:25pm

Markethive - World Class Portfolio of Inbound Marketing Tools Included

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is the best way to grow your business because it allows you to create better content. It’s called inbound marketing for a reason, you create content that consumers want, which attracts them to your brand.

Inbound marketing, or pull marketing, leverages content to attract and draw customers closer to the brand. Outbound marketing, or push marketing, uses content to interrupt customers during other activities. It takes longer to enjoy the results of inbound marketing, whereas results may come more quickly with outbound marketing.

Inbound marketing is promoting a company through blogs, podcasts, video, eBooks, enewsletters, whitepapers, SEO, social media marketing, and other forms of content marketing which serve to attract customers.

In contrast, buying attention, cold-calling, direct paper mail, radio, TV advertisements, sales flyers, spam, telemarketing and traditional advertising are considered "outbound marketing".

Inbound marketing.


Inbound Marketing Explained and Compared

Make inbound marketing a priority

Inbound marketing consists of entirely organic leads, so it relies on brains rather than budget. Inbound marketing has the powerful ability to put customers in the driver’s seat, connecting you with people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say.

Inbound marketing is a strategic approach to creating valuable content that aligns with the needs of your target audiences and inspires long-term customer relationships.

Your customers are your customers because you provide solutions to their problems. That’s what inbound marketing is all about — providing the solutions that your target audiences are searching for.

Those solutions can come in the form of many different types of content across all your different platforms, designed to connect with potential buyers at different stages of the buying cycle.

Inbound marketing works because it’s entirely based on what customers want and what they’re looking for in the moment.

It’s not about putting your brand in front of customers — it’s about being there, and being ready, when they’re looking for the things you offer. Successful inbound marketing happens when you’re producing high-quality content that your intended audience really engages with.

Inbound marketing is focused on attracting leads through relevant and helpful content and adding value at each stage of the buyer's journey. With inbound marketing, prospective customers find your brand through channels like blogs, search engines, and social media. Inbound marketing is hands-down the most effective strategy – specifically, content marketing (on-site and off), search engine optimization and social media.

There is no magic to marketing – it's all about attracting clients with helpful, relevant content that addresses their pain points and/or needs and provides value.

Increase your revenue with Inbound Marketing....Attract more Leads with Inbound Marketing Strategies

Inbound Marketing Methodology AKA Automated Marketing


MarketHive is an entrepreneurial social marketing platform with the combined strength of LinkedIn, Amazon, Facebook and Marketo. The first social market network, built on the blockchain.

Markethive - a Powerful Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs. Markethive is at the forefront of marketing in today's online environment. It's the perfect marketing platform for online marketers, businesses, affiliate marketers, brands, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, investors and anyone else that requires an online presence.

Markethive is not just another social network for the sake of being just another social network.
Markethive is the social network for Entrepreneurs as an ecosystem. This ecosystem is built upon the concept of force multipliers.

Markethive is self-governing and sovereign by design. Our culture is not fixed, rather it’s founded by, built by, built for, run by and used by entrepreneurs. Markethive, a Market Network and Social Network combined, is the evolution of Internet communities incorporating commerce and secure portals for transactions.

We combine the scalable network effects of LinkedIn or Facebook with lucrative revenue models of SaaS & marketplace hubs like Ebay and Amazon. Vertical platforms like freelancers and coin exchange, are also a collaboration niche for commercial artists, writers, voice & video services.

MarketHive is a combination of many many things, a social network for business related people and Entrepreneurs, a resource provider that can improve the likes of WordPress, LinkedIn and other social networks.

MarketHive existing assets include blogging tools, a state of the art email and broadcast and message system and in the future an online conference system. These assets are designed and fully integrated seamlessly into what is become known as MarketHive.

Anyone can use MarketHive, if you can use a social network such as Facebook you will quickly find your way around MarketHive, no special logins are required just use your favourite social network or even the likes of PayPal.

Once inside you can get to know other members, you can join a variety of groups of like minded people, be it about internet marketing, social media,news MLM, current affairs, its your choice and you can even form your own interest groups.

MarketHive is about communicating and sharing your interests and knowledge with fellow entrepreneurs, however it is not the place to mindlessly post links in a spamming manner, which do not add value. Yes many people have business they wish to promote, however it is best done via a soft sell, engaging in conversation and building relationships. If you wish to advertise your business you can purchase advertising space including banner adverts which displayed at top of site pages.

MarketHive like most social systems is free and will remain so. However there are additional benefits of becoming a subscriber to the Affiliate program which is due to be launched soon. The program in most cases will not only provide advertising credits to the value of your subscription, but also provide the opportunity to earn money from people you introduce and other benefits according to your affiliate Level.

MarketHive is a platform that you get paid to use and if you need help, there are usually members around who can help you. Markethive have the best support system. 

What’s included in Markethive's FREE Membership:

Content Marketing:
Blogging Broadcasting - WordPress Plugins - Social Subscriptions - Curation System.

Email Marketing:
97% Inbox Delivery( the best in the world) Rates - Autoresponders (No Limit) - Email Broadcasting.

Leads Funnels:
Profile Page - Capture Page - Each Members Survey Pages.

Lead Management:
Cross Social Networking - Leads Groups Management - Email, Phone, Chat - Social Networks Collected - Lead Nurturing.

Content Rich Profile Page with High Search Engine Ranking - Profile Page Link Hub - Blogging Platform - Permalinks for Blog Posts - Permalinks for Capture Pages - Videos, Images & Calendars - Robot Friendly Profile Page.

Conference Rooms:
Each Members Own Room - Room Widget for WordPress - Avatar Engine.

System Tutorials:
Step by Step Incentivized Tutorials - Easy to Complete - Markethive Pays you to Complete their Tutorials - Completion Badges.

Social Media:
Private Social Network - Group Messaging System - Strategic Collaboration.

Campaign Management & Co-op - Website Rotator - Website Tracking - Asset Map | Backlink Tracker.

Attendance Monitor - Self-replicating Capture Pages - Surveys, PDFs & blogs.

Markethive does NOT track, use cookies or store your personal information - Cancelling Your Account Deletes Everything.
Markethive firmly believes Your Privacy is exactly what is says - Your Privacy.

Integrated into the Eco-System - Linked to Wallet & Exchanges.

Encrypted Wallet Key to 2FA, KYC, Messaging, Tipping, and Commerce.

Infinity Airdrops Rewarding New Member Incentives.

Micro Payments:
Refer 3 to Activate your Universal Income Micro Payments - This turns everything you do in Markethive into a faucet: Make a blog - get paid. Make a comment - get paid. Make a Capture Page - get paid. Refer New Members - get paid, etc, etc.

Profile Page:
Unique Vanity URL - SEO Searchable to everybody, including non-members and those not logged in.

All of this for FREE - Incorporated into a transparent blockchain system. Markethive is completely decentralized, delivering on its principles of Privacy, Transparency & Free Speech.
Markethive does NOT spy on you, shadow ban you or terminate accounts for any reason.

With the onset of Blockchain along with Cryptocurrency, this absolutely levels the playing field. What this means is complete privacy, autonomy, and freedom of speech, as well as the ability to earn an income.

Centralized Social Media platforms, like Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn to name a few, have been paramount and prevalent in our lives for nearly 2 decades, so many people are unaware of the technology that is available to us now. The upcoming platforms classed as Market Networks are a sovereign way to develop online communities, giving the power back to the people.

There are a handful of new Blogging Community Platforms that have already risen using crypto by way of their own tokens as an incentive to use the platforms. The Social Media platforms we have today are ultimately accountable to their shareholders and staff, and as an enormous amount of users utilize these platforms predominantly for free, forthcoming profit will not come from user engagement or user growth. It comes by other means which has been and is detrimental to the community at large.

Centralization has also created tension within the communities due to algorithmic partisanship, rules that keep changing, banning, and deleting of accounts wiping out all the effort and results entrepreneurs have implemented to establish an online presence.

Join for free HERE

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.
South Africa.

Follow me on FaceBookTwitter, WebTalk, Instagram & Markethive



Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin. Your customers are your customers because you provide solutions to their problems. That’s what inbound marketing is all about — providing the solutions that your target audiences are searching for.
November 9, 2022 at 6:20am
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for the great read Andries and the explanation regarding Markethive
November 9, 2022 at 6:18am