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Persistence is an essential factor in the process of creating success.

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on August 10, 2019 - 12:31am


Be like a Lion!

A lion fails about 90% of his attemps to catch it's prey...but never stops trying...


Persistence is an essential factor in the process of creating success. It cannot be substituted by any other quality.

People who persist regardless of opposition or misfortune they encounter in their endeavor are bound to succeed.

Successful people may not necessarily be the smartest, most powerful, most experienced. But they are definitely the most persistent in pursuing their goals.

It’s common for successful people to meet with much defeat and perhaps some failure before they achieved success. However, they view such defeats and failures as temporary and learn from the setbacks. They don’t give up. Instead, they pick themselves up, tweak their plans, adjust their execution and move on persistently towards achieving their goals.

Lack of persistence has been found to be one of the major causes of failure.

Unfortunately, studies have shown that lack of persistence is a weakness common to the majority of people. They tend to give up pursuing what they want at the first sign of opposition or misfortune.

Fortunately, persistence is a state of mind, so, it can be cultivated.

The followings are four simple steps that help cultivate habit of persistence.

Having a definite purpose supported by a burning desire for its realization.

Knowing exactly what you want is the most important step towards the development of persistence. It serves as a strong motive that forces you to overcome obstacles and difficulties you encounter in your endeavor.

Formulating a definite plan organised with continuous action.

Being clear about what you have to do and where you are heading motivate you to keep on keeping on. It certainly encourage persistence.

Guarding tightly against all negative and discouraging influences.

Ignore all negative disturbances and focus on carrying out your plan to achieve what you are pursuing.

Surrounding yourself with people who encourage you to follow through the plan and purpose.

Remember, in any endeavor, a little more persistence is sometimes what you just need in order to get closer to the goal.

Be persistent, you will achieve success.


Andries van Tonder is a successful Internet Marketer/businessman...

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