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Psychological Equations to Empower Your Business Mind

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on February 26, 2023 - 1:46pm

 Psychological Equations to Empower Your Business Mind

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You can either be at the effect (powerless) of your business or act as the cause (in power) of it. Your internal belief system about business is the most important predictor of success or failure. In order to train yourself toward success, undergo the emotional analysis necessary to build a sound business mind that's resilient to stress, change and uncertainty.

Here are seven psychological equations that can help empower your business mind:

1. Introspection + Observation = Emotional Awareness

To be introspective means to look inside and examine your thoughts and emotions. To observe is the act of taking an existential view of yourself to better know how to function at your optimal levels of success. This type of self-analysis eliminates the interference of the more immature emotions which make you fall victim to being reactive, fearful, impulsive or indecisive in business.

The result of self-awareneness is the brave and admirable quality of being able to think independently, which empowers you to rely exclusively on the observation of your own mental state to succeed.

With self-awareness you become unafraid to be different, you embrace the uniqueness of your mind, the radicalness of your ideas and your ability to reason through change -- both positive and negative.

Related: 7 Characteristics of Exceptional Business Professionals

2. Focus + Commitment = Advancement

Focus is measured by the ability to shut out distractions and place emphasis on what needs to be done in your business to progress forward. Commitment is a measure of focus. Commitment puts meaningful action behind your chosen goals without wavering in your intention.

Work performed deliberately, consciously and intentionally with laser-like focus is summed up in the result of knowing how to advance in business. There is nothing lazy or unclear about a successful person's intention and subsequent action.

Advancement is the result of being attuned to every move and decision made in the achievement of your goals in a calculated fashion.

3. Honesty + Professionalism = Good Reputation

Honesty is a measure of integrity to do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it and to follow through on any delays or quicker advancements by informing all involved. False information is never given as it destroys the integrity of the business equation.

Professionalism is a measure of competency and skill in your business dealings with others, and how your know-how is executed through subsequent action in a reliable way.

When honesty and professionalism are combined you naturally develop a stellar reputation. Because word of mouth is everything in business there is nothing which can supersede a great reputation. The successful understand that reputation has more value to others than their actual business. In this way, if people like and respect you they will like and respect your brand.

To be successful you must embrace the idea that you are your most important product.

4. Grace + Strategy = Solutions

Grace is a measure of staying calm under pressure. It is that fixed state of mind which seemingly carries you effortlessly through problems, obstacles and difficult negotiations in business. It is that quality when business is booming and things are flowing effortlessly, you show no ego.

Strategy is a measure of how you get to those higher aims in your business under the umbrella of uncertainty. Intelligent strategies must be attuned to patterns of business behavior and known ways to get to what you want.

Desperation kills strategy and eliminates solutions.

When you have the business mind to approach uncertainty with grace and an awareness of what actions need to be applied to gain solid ground, solutions and success are your result.

Related: Achieve Self-Mastery and You Will Never Settle for Less in Business

5. Belief + Action = Fearlessness

A sound business mind comes from believing in yourself, your purpose and the direction of your business pursuits. Belief is similar to commitment in that belief slices away all meandering.

Firm belief is the great manager of the enemies of doubt and delay. The only time to delay in business is when delay is used as a strategy to obtain the desired goal, and in that case delay would be a measure of patience.

When delay is coming from doubt it is deadly to your success.

There is no result without action. Action can be summed up as the courage to create measurable movement towards a goal. It is the outward expression of your belief. For actions to be bold beliefs must be strong and determined. This is fearlessness.

Fearlessness in business is your greatest asset.

6. Attention + This Moment = Mindfulness

To be highly successful, bring your full attention to all business situations and circumstances. To be the cause of your success, give attention to listening, observing and to the gathering of pertinent information before forming opinions and making decisions.

All parts of a business require attention and to be great you must have the mind to never leave any part of your business neglected.

This moment is the moment you have to maximize. To be the cause of your destiny have the mind to understand that what happens now determines what happens tomorrow. With focused attention to the present moment you create the impermeable psychological state of being in touch with all aspects of your business.

When fully present and mindful in your business, you are nearly unstoppable.

7. People skills + Knowledge = Leadership

At its core, business is all about relationships. To be successful, master the art of charting your own path, while being open to listening and developing relationships which are mutually beneficial and based in integrity, at the same time. Further, to lead a team effectively you have to be someone others are inspired to follow.

To have a sound business mind, be abundantly knowledgeable in your field. Never hold the belief that you know enough. For you to be the cause of your success there is no such thing as enough knowledge. Knowledge is power. With knowledge you become smart to every new trend in your field, you consistently educate yourself, and choose to be ahead of the game.

Knowledge coupled with proficient people skills builds you into an unrelenting and inspiring leader. This allows you the opportunity to educate all those you lead, and the opportunity to lead all of those whom you partner with in business.

Related: 8 Steps to Make Things Happen Now in Your Business

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.

Self employed for over 40 years

Follow me on FaceBook, Twitter, WebTalk & Markethive

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto, enjoy your Sunday
February 26, 2023 at 2:22pm