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Reasons Why You Should Work from Home ...

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on November 24, 2019 - 2:25am

Starting a full or part-time home business is a major decision that requires research and planning that can seem daunting. But before you put off or dismiss doing it, consider these reasons why you should work at home.

1. Control Over Your Schedule

Being in charge of your day is one of the biggest benefits of working from home. You can set and customize your work hours to meet the needs of your life. Do you wish you could take a power nap in the middle of the day? You can as a home business owner. Do you do your best work late at night? You can schedule your work time then.

However, this freedom can also bring with it distracting temptations and the risk of procrastinating on work-related tasks. You'll want to make sure you have the right entrepreneurial traits and a good daily organizational plan to handle this new responsibility.


2. More Time for Personal Pursuits

If you feel like your job is taking up too much time, having a home business could be the solution. Having a flexible schedule means you can make time for your kids and family, if you have them, or pursue other personal interests. If you want to homeschool while running your business, you can.

However, achieving work/life balance does take some planning and time management. In some cases, you may still need to arrange for child care. 


3. Make Money Doing Something You Love

One of the best aspects of starting a home business is being able to turn a hobby or a passion into income. In fact, you're more likely to achieve success if you focus on pursuing your passion for profits when starting a home business.

4. No More Commuting

Working outside the home not only takes a lot of time, especially if you have a long commute, but also job-related travel expenses. Americans spend an average of $386 per month on gas. Cutting down on a daily commute would put some of that money back in your pocket. Other expenses many don't consider are tolls, wear and tear on the car, and more frequent tune-ups.


5. Control Over Income

Many people choose not to start a business because they worry about making a consistent, livable income. While the potential ebb and flow nature of running a home business is something you need to consider, the reality is that a home business can allow you to earn what you're worth.

As a home business owner, you set your own income goals, as well as your own product or service prices. As long as you do the work that needs to be done, such as drumming up new customers and marketing your business, you're likely to make a profit. 

6. Tax Benefits

A big perk of working for yourself is the tax advantages not given to employees. You can write off equipment, supplies, services, and even a portion of your home or car if it's appropriate.


Further, when you have a home business, you can deduct your expenses first and pay taxes on net income. With that said, it's important to learn about home business deductions to ensure you're following proper tax laws. Ideally, you should consult a tax expert.

8. No Boss

A home business is ideal for someone who doesn't like to be told what to do. You can do the work in the way you feel is best. Further, home business owners don't have to feel guilty for showing up late (unless of course, it's to an appointment). There's no having to ask for time off or calling in sick. There's no one looking over your shoulder to make sure you're working.


9. More Opportunity for Growth

Too often, employees end up feeling stuck in their jobs. In a home business, even if your day-to-day tasks are relatively similar, there are so many opportunities to mix things up more. You can work from a different location. You can change your schedule or the order of the tasks you have to do.


Starting a business in and of itself requires learning new things.To stay competitive, you'll want to continue study and keep abreast of current trends in your industry or small business management. In essence, you design your day and what you do, which allows you to expand and grow your skills and your business.

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Andries Van Tonder Thomas, one only learn out of mistakes, fail yourself to success my friend. Agree, Markethive is tops!!
November 25, 2019 at 5:38am
Andries Van Tonder I am doing it fulltime from home since 2013.....love it!
November 24, 2019 at 9:14am
Kevin Jacobson Those are some of the many reasons that caused me to pursue working from home business.
November 24, 2019 at 8:13am