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Some Excellent Reasons to become an Entrepreneur

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on May 06, 2023 - 3:58pm

Some Excellent Reasons to become an Entrepreneur.

Becoming an entrepreneur will give you business perspective and insights that you wouldn’t be able to acquire in any other way. Truly, being an entrepreneur is a never-ending learning process.

Believe it or not, entrepreneurs are the very backbone of most economies. Their efforts, ideas, and execution help create the jobs everyone else gets to enjoy, the products and services we crave, and the conveniences we love. They say money makes the world go round, but we all know, it’s the entrepreneur who sets everything in motion. That said, if you’re here to learn what the top 10 reasons to become an entrepreneur are, then stick around.

Before we dive into the list, it’s important to know a few key things about entrepreneurs first. An entrepreneur is a risk-taker, innovator, and investor, entrepreneurs make every effort count towards bringing a transformative change in their respective markets.

In fact, if long-term success is to be found as an entrepreneur, consistently disrupting the market has to be a part of their long-game. So, even though to be an entrepreneur is in a way to be heroic, it is no easy task.

Entrepreneurship is Not For the Faint of Heart

It’s not easy to build, design, and run a business, especially these days. Entrepreneurship comes with the baggage of expectations and responsibilities. Entrepreneurs have to not only come up with the business idea, they also have to leverage their time, money, and resources to get things off the ground.

On top of that, they also have to learn how to manage people and create processes once things take off. To be sure, entrepreneurship is an endeavor to be respected.

Entrepreneurship is an unpredictable journey. And for many, it may even seem risky and scary initially, but if executed the right way, it can help generate income like few employees will ever experience. In addition to this, it can also help you acquire a platform for exploring countless opportunities that employees will never have access to.

Entrepreneurship May Be In Your Future If…

So, why should you be an entrepreneur? Well, if you’re the type of person who hates their job, or finds it boring, or if you’re the type of person who has lots of great ideas for how things could be better when it comes to products and services, then starting a small business or side-hustle may be in your future.

For the right person, entrepreneurship can be a golden ticket to a better lifestyle.

With that being said, if you’ve ever consider the possibility of becoming your own boss and trying your hand at entrepreneurship, but have been hesitant to pull the trigger, give these top 10 reasons why you should be an entrepreneur are read. By the end of the article, you’ll know for sure if entrepreneurship is for you.

1. You Want to Explore Unlimited Possibilities of Earning

A job may offer you a fixed salary and employment security (which may also vary depending on various factors). People often refrain from doing business thinking that it is uncertain and loss probabilities may be more.

Moreover, in a business, there is no fixed income, and it varies every month and quarter. But there are many who wants to grow their earning and doesn’t want to remain limited to fixed wages which are decided by the employer. Employees can put their preferences, but the final call is taken by the job provider when it comes to salary. 

If you feel that you deserve much more than what you are earning at the moment, then starting up your business is your thing. Not only you get the opportunity to multiply your earnings but also make a more significant impact on your overall financial status.

Entrepreneurs may have to incur losses, but at the same time, unlike company employees, their income is not regulated. If the business runs on profit, entrepreneurs get to earn more.

Related: How to Become Rich and Successful 

2. You Have The Urge to Try New Ideas 

When it comes to innovation, small businesses and startups are always the frontrunners. They are ready to take risks and try new ideas to see what works and what doesn’t, which is an unlikely scenario in big companies. Large organizations typically have a recipe that works, meaning they’re making good money, and so keep to the status quo. As such, they don’t do much experimenting or try new things.

But if you have new ideas that you are eager to give them a try, then start up your own small business and become an entrepreneur. Why? Because entrepreneurship allows you to be innovative and follow your passion, even if it requires taking risks.

Working on your passion and converting your dreams into a reality is something that only entrepreneurs get to witness as they are their own boss and have the privilege to do business the way they want.

Sure, the process may sometime be frustrating, disappointing and you may see failures initially, but if you can stick on to your plan, remain determined and keep trying, then success will inevitably be yours.

3. You Want to Learn More 

If you have the zeal and eagerness to learn more about your professional field and enhancing your skills, then you must try becoming an entrepreneur. Becoming an entrepreneur will give you business perspective and insights that you wouldn’t be able to acquire in any other way.

Truly, being an entrepreneur is a never-ending learning process. The more you can learn, the better you can take advantage of opportunities to grow your business.

Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who never miss their chances to learn and are never satisfied with their existing knowledge. They are keen to know more so that they can stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the market and the industry they are in.

Believe it or not, entrepreneurs are the very backbone of most economies. Their efforts, ideas, and execution help create the jobs everyone else gets to enjoy, the products and services we crave, and the conveniences we love. They say money makes the world go round, but we all know, it’s the entrepreneur who sets everything in motion. That said, if you’re here to learn what the top 10 reasons to become an entrepreneur are, then stick around.

Before we dive into the list, it’s important to know a few key things about entrepreneurs first. An entrepreneur is a risk-taker, innovator, and investor, entrepreneurs make every effort count towards bringing a transformative change in their respective markets.

In fact, if long-term success is to be found as an entrepreneur, consistently disrupting the market has to be a part of their long-game. So, even though to be an entrepreneur is in a way to be heroic, it is no easy task.

Entrepreneurship is Not For the Faint of Heart

It’s not easy to build, design, and run a business, especially these days. Entrepreneurship comes with the baggage of expectations and responsibilities. Entrepreneurs have to not only come up with the business idea, they also have to leverage their time, money, and resources to get things off the ground.

On top of that, they also have to learn how to manage people and create processes once things take off. To be sure, entrepreneurship is an endeavor to be respected.

Entrepreneurship is an unpredictable journey. And for many, it may even seem risky and scary initially, but if executed the right way, it can help generate income like few employees will ever experience. In addition to this, it can also help you acquire a platform for exploring countless opportunities that employees will never have access to.

Entrepreneurship May Be In Your Future If…

So, why should you be an entrepreneur? Well, if you’re the type of person who hates their job, or finds it boring, or if you’re the type of person who has lots of great ideas for how things could be better when it comes to products and services, then starting a small business or side-hustle may be in your future.

For the right person, entrepreneurship can be a golden ticket to a better lifestyle.

With that being said, if you’ve ever consider the possibility of becoming your own boss and trying your hand at entrepreneurship, but have been hesitant to pull the trigger, give these top 10 reasons why you should be an entrepreneur are read. By the end of the article, you’ll know for sure if entrepreneurship is for you.

1. You Want to Explore Unlimited Possibilities of Earning

A job may offer you a fixed salary and employment security (which may also vary depending on various factors). People often refrain from doing business thinking that it is uncertain and loss probabilities may be more.

Moreover, in a business, there is no fixed income, and it varies every month and quarter. But there are many who wants to grow their earning and doesn’t want to remain limited to fixed wages which are decided by the employer. Employees can put their preferences, but the final call is taken by the job provider when it comes to salary. 

If you feel that you deserve much more than what you are earning at the moment, then starting up your business is your thing. Not only you get the opportunity to multiply your earnings but also make a more significant impact on your overall financial status.

Entrepreneurs may have to incur losses, but at the same time, unlike company employees, their income is not regulated. If the business runs on profit, entrepreneurs get to earn more.

Related: How to Become Rich and Successful 

2. You Have The Urge to Try New Ideas 

When it comes to innovation, small businesses and startups are always the frontrunners. They are ready to take risks and try new ideas to see what works and what doesn’t, which is an unlikely scenario in big companies. Large organizations typically have a recipe that works, meaning they’re making good money, and so keep to the status quo. As such, they don’t do much experimenting or try new things.

But if you have new ideas that you are eager to give them a try, then start up your own small business and become an entrepreneur. Why? Because entrepreneurship allows you to be innovative and follow your passion, even if it requires taking risks.

Working on your passion and converting your dreams into a reality is something that only entrepreneurs get to witness as they are their own boss and have the privilege to do business the way they want.

Sure, the process may sometime be frustrating, disappointing and you may see failures initially, but if you can stick on to your plan, remain determined and keep trying, then success will inevitably be yours.

3. You Want to Learn More 

If you have the zeal and eagerness to learn more about your professional field and enhancing your skills, then you must try becoming an entrepreneur. Becoming an entrepreneur will give you business perspective and insights that you wouldn’t be able to acquire in any other way.

Truly, being an entrepreneur is a never-ending learning process. The more you can learn, the better you can take advantage of opportunities to grow your business.

Successful entrepreneurs are the ones who never miss their chances to learn and are never satisfied with their existing knowledge. They are keen to know more so that they can stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the market and the industry they are in.

If you discover that regular working hours in office is not catering to your knowledge quest and keeping you limited when it comes to expanding your information base, then you have all the reasons to become an entrepreneur to satiate your knowledge aspirations.

For a true entrepreneur, learning never stops, and that’s an amazing attribute to have. From SEO to real estate, construction, healthcare, and web development, you should try learning as much as you can.

Related: Self-Reliance is The Way

4. You Want to Be Your Own Boss 

Some people don’t like to be controlled or be answerable to a higher authority, be it personal or in professional spheres of life. Not having your final say in the decision-making of the business operation is also something that many people can’t accept. Moreover, when an individual’s creativity and professional space gets hounded by the constant interference of an annoying manager, the disappointment and resentment to having an authority increases.

If you are someone who is struggling with the same scenario, then being your own boss is the only solution. For those who don’t like to be governed or managed, entrepreneurship is for them. 

By becoming the CEO of your company, you are responsible for every success and achievement. You need to answer anyone for anything, and also nobody will be able to claim a share in your accomplishments.

However, one thing you should never forget that with authority comes new responsibilities. As a business owner, you will be responsible for teaching and training people working for you. So, you must cater to your role as an entrepreneur and business owner demands without fail.

5. You Don’t Want an Average 9-to-5 Job

For aspiring entrepreneurs, the repetitive and monotonous working routine in a 9-to-5 job fails to feed the hunger and passion for doing something innovative and creative. Bound by company policies and regulations, people of a 9-to-5 job are often dissatisfied and tired of being the usual every day and ending up with unfulfilled desires when it comes to making a difference with their expertise in the professional space.

Hence for people who want to translate their potential into the real world and break the monotony of a typical 9-to-5 job, entrepreneurship is the way to give wings to your dreams.

Moreover, in a 9-to-5 job, your earning is capped unless you earn incentives or commissions. But if you want not to survive on capped salary, then being an entrepreneur will be your ideal bet.

With hard work and determination, you can shape your dreams, try creative ideas, and unleash opportunities in your own terms once you become an entrepreneur. If growing your business is what you aspire, you must start your business right away to be the in-charge of your professional decisions.

6. You Want to Bring a Change

Entrepreneurs not only work towards changing their life but are also keen on bringing a change in the world around. Most of the startups in the recent past have contributed towards social causes with their innovative business model and discoveries.

Whether developing useful products or donating a part of profits to charity, entrepreneurs make significant impact with their small gestures and efforts.

From creating job opportunities to adding to GDP, small businesses do a lot for the community. If you would prefer to be a part of such great initiatives, you can start your efforts by starting a business and proving your skills as an entrepreneur. Your transition into becoming a business owner will help the lives of many and bring overall transformation in the world as Mark Twain says, “Explore. Dream. Discover. 

Related: How to Become Free

7. You Want to Get Out of The Rat Race

Out of the top 10 reasons to become an entrepreneur, most do it to get out of the rat race. Most people know that working a regular 9-5 job with fixed working hours can get monotonous, and that you may, overtime, start regretting every bit of your life, like most people do. However, if you become an entrepreneur, chances are you won’t lack for adventure, and you have a shot of escaping the hamster wheel of slaving away for 50 years or more.

Entrepreneurship is for those people who are tired of executing someone else’s vision and have no space for innovation. In large companies, working hours, along with what works to do is all set by the employer. Moreover, there is no work-life balance, and people are running in the rat race with no time for recreation and family. 

But when you have your own business, you have the privilege to choose what to do and when. You get the freedom and flexibility to work besides managing your family and household life.

So, if a healthy family life is what matters and you no longer want to be part of the rat race working in companies, you should seriously consider becoming an entrepreneur.

8. You Want Location Flexibility

Working in a company will not give you the freedom to work from wherever you want. Not every profession has the ease of work from home. So, if you think that working in different environments can boost your innovative and creative thinking and you can work even while traveling the world, then becoming an entrepreneur will be your smart choice.

Your own business can be operated online and worked from anywhere as you are the boss. You can make money even while traveling, leveraging various online tools and platforms that allow you to explore the online market as well. Having your business can help you be flexible with changing situations and needs and can assist in building a location-independent business.

Related: I Want To Start a Business But Have No Ideas

9. You Don’t Want To Toe Any Party Lines

Sometimes we end up working for a company who’s values or politics don’t align with our own. It’s not something that we do on purpose, but due timing or the necessity to be gainfully employed, sometimes it just happens.

Certainly, you can just go and work for another company, but there will always be an element of that companies values that don’t 100% align with yours. As such, your best bet for achieving absolute freedom to be, believe, or support who you wish to, is to strive to create your own enterprise.

10. You Want To Unleash Your Creative Potential

One of the greatest aspects of becoming an entrepreneur is the fact that you get to be as creative as you’d like. When you become an entrepreneur, you can bring any one of your creative ideas to the marketplace and see if it’s worth its salt.

Even better, is that you get to test your unique and creative ideas at will. No more sheepishly seeking the approval of some middle manager above you for permission, just to try out one of your great ideas. As entrepreneur, you get to choose the when, the where, the how, and everything in between when it comes to deploying your ideas.

Being able to unleash your creative potential is one of, if not the, top reason why you should become an entrepreneur.

Bonus Reasons To Become An Entrepreneur

Alright, here’s one last bonus section if you’re still looking for even more reasons to become an entrepreneur. It’s a great video created by American entrepreneur Patrick Bet-David that you’ll certainly get some added value from.

So, if our top 10 reasons to become an entrepreneur didn’t quite convince you, well give this bonus video a watch, as PBD does an amazing job covering all the other bases as to why one should consider becoming an entrepreneur. Enjoy:

About Andries van Tonder

I am a Digital Marketer and an Entrepreneur with over 40 Years of experience in Business and Marketing. Business is my passion and I have established myself in multiple industries with a focus on sustainable growth. You will generally find me online at Markethive ,  Facebook,  Twitter & Instagram

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto
May 7, 2023 at 7:26am