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The Ugly Truth Why You're Struggling In Your Business That No One Wants To Tell You

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on September 04, 2019 - 3:16am

Are you struggling in your business?  Are you feeling frustrated or discouraged?

No one wants to admit it.  I know I didn’t.

And I’d worked so hard.

I’d done everything my upline told me to, and it STILL wasn’t working.

Maybe you’re a lot like me and you’ve done all of these things.

  • written your list of 100 people in your warm market and contacted them.
  • done 3-way calls
  • hosted home parties/meetings and invited everyone you could think of.
  • invited people to the weekly meetings at your upline’s home
  • gone to all the big events and invited prospects so they could experience the energy in the room and see the amazing culture of the company.
  • joined networking groups to meet new people and get into the cold market.
  • put your business cards everywhere!  (You know, in books at bookstores, on car windshields in parking lots, in airplane seat pockets, in restrooms….)
  • contacted 10 people a day.
  • tried social media.

And you’re still not where you want to be!


It’s all in your head!  It’s your brain’s fault!!!


Let me explain…Business Success

It’s your brain’s primary job to protect you and keep you safe.  As part of that, it does everything possible to help you conserve energy.

When you’re stepping out of your comfort zone, doing something new, you’re not conserving energy.

So your brain is going to send you a subconscious message to say “No, you don’t really want to do that.  That’s too much work.”

And when you start to get any kind of rejection, your brain is going to kick into high gear and say “NO STOP!  DANGER!”

That “old school” list causes your brain to take you out.

This new system of Social Media Recruiting works WITH your brain’s natural tendencies.  It eliminates rejection and keeps you in your safety zone.


Watch this video   "12 Mistakes I Made My First Year as an Entrepreneur"    click here


5 Reasons Why Your Business is Struggling (And what you can do about it)

I meet a lot of people on a day-to-day basis that are struggling in their business. I totally get it, because the first few businesses I started didn’t work out.

The benefit of hindsight and working with brilliant coaches and top entrepreneurs over the past few years is that I now know why businesses struggle to get off the ground.

I know that all businesses struggle for similar reasons. This is the truth. You are not unique or special in your struggles and you aren’t the only one facing your problems. So, what are your problems?

Sit with that for a moment.

What thoughts come to mind? Are you starting to make excuses? Do you feel uncomfortable?

Let’s get naked

I want you to pay attention to any discomfort or annoyance for a moment. Have I hit a sensitive nerve?

I push your buttons only because it’s important to understand one thing – your business is struggling because YOU are not following the formula that works. 

The good news is, there is a system. Your problems can be conquered and solved. If you want to turn your business around, get really honest with yourself and leave no room for excuses.

I want to share with you 5 honest reasons why your business is struggling:

1. You are avoiding responsibility

Are you living below the line or above the line?

Are you willing to take complete ownership of your life and business and step up and into the business owner that you need to be?

Or do you prefer to blame others, making excuses when things don’t work out?

Don’t want to pay your bills?

Answer an email?

Ask for payment?

Are you avoiding sales and marketing because it makes you uncomfortable?

Feeling uncomfortable with these questions?

Then it may be time for you to grow up and step up into a mature adult that wants to run a successful business.

With great power comes great responsibility.

So, if you want to elevate your business, ask yourself – am I ready to step up?

2. You don’t deliver value

It can be tempting to get caught up in the “building” part of your business while wondering why clients aren’t coming through the door. The lack of clients could be owing to a number of reasons – sales, lack of exposure, etc.

Are you delivering value to your client? Does paying you become an absolute ‘no-brainer’ to them if you’re delivering enormous value?

If so, you should be making money.

In many cases, your business is struggling because it’s not actually solving a problem.

Know this, if your business is not making you money, and you don’t have plans to raise capital, you don’t have a real business – You have a hobby.

Get out into the world and speak to your clients. Honest feedback from clients about the service you offer is truly the best gift you can receive in your business. If your business does not solve a problem, find a new problem to solve!

3. You don’t have your house in order

Your business will only go as far as you are able to go.

This means that your mindset is going to and is probably, stopping your business from growing into the business that it needs to be.

Are you procrastinating and avoiding doing the work that you need to do?

Are your competitors thriving while you struggle?

Are you suffering from anxiety or depression?

Do you suffer from money-blocks that stop you from earning money and charging your worth?

If so, it’s time for you to update your Personal Operating System (P.O.S.) of beliefs, values and stories you’ve been telling yourself. It’s time to change the way your operating system (mind) works. Out with the old and outdated software (rules, beliefs and excuses), and in with the new and refreshed mindset that will propel you into success.

With work and coaching, it is possible to transform your mindset and in turn, transform your business.

4. You don’t know or harness your Why

If you feel like business is an impossible slog and you lack the motivation and desire to invest time and energy into your venture, it’s very likely you have built a business that is not aligned with your Vision, your Genius Zone and your Purpose.

As the business author Simon Sinek pointed out, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy WHY you do it.”

The most successful entrepreneurs on this planet have built businesses aligned with their personal Why, and have used their Why to obsessively and purposefully build their business empires.

It’s possible to figure out your Why. In fact, it’s necessary if you want to have an impact and leave a legacy.

5. You don’t believe in marketing or sales

Here is a hard truth for you: Your business serves the primary function of making money. Everything else is secondary.

Quite frankly, if you have an aversion to selling, you need to find a way to get over it…and quickly. I’ve had to overcome this aversion myself and once I did, my business took off!

Putting yourself out there and getting rejected is an invaluable learning process and it becomes an opportunity to serve your clients better. You need to look for the gift in this experience.

Similarly, too many people pour all their money and time into setting up their business but have given ZERO thought on how to market their business.

Know this – You need to spend money (wisely) in order to make money. Marketing is an investment. Invest wisely.


Andries van Tonder is a full-time businessman & internet entrepreneur.


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Gerald Roberts You cover a lot of subtopics with your blog here. Good article
September 5, 2019 at 8:38pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Marian.
September 4, 2019 at 4:52am
Andries Van Tonder No problem Kevin.
September 4, 2019 at 4:26am
Kevin Jacobson Great stuff, Andries. I hope you don't mind if I borrow some of this in teaching my business team.
September 4, 2019 at 4:25am