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Think Like A Millionaire: 10 Ways To Have A Rich Mindset..

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on February 19, 2023 - 9:33am Edited 2/19 at 9:35am

Think Like A Millionaire: 10 Ways To Have A Rich Mindset.

Being a millionaire is not an easy task. It requires unbreakable discipline and making changes in your habits. Unless of course, you win a lottery. Even if you win a lot of money, you will need exceptional discipline to manage the money. The biggest secret to becoming a millionaire is to think like one. Only then, you can become a millionaire in real life.

This article will walk you through 9 tips that will help you think like a millionaire.

1. Have confidence

Millionaires are regular individuals just like you. What differentiates you from them is how they think and approach problems. Millionaires are more confident than regular forks. They believe that anything is possible as long as you work hard. Instead of shying away from problems, they work on them head-on. What most people consider difficult, millionaires think that it is easy and doable.

2. Think like a millionaire: Believe in yourself

Believing in yourself is a very important step you must master before you become a millionaire. You will become who you believe you can be. If you believe that you can do it, you will figure out how to do it.

Millionaires believe that they can achieve anything they want. They think that they are capable of moving the mountain. That is why they try to move it. They achieve what everyone else cannot achieve due to self-beliefs. That is before you become a millionaire, you must become one in your mind. Train your mind to behave like you are a millionaire. Once this message is saved in your mind, it will not be difficult to become a millionaire in real life.

3. Know what you are good at

One of the greatest habits of millionaires is that they know exactly what they are good at. They never get lost in useless thoughts trying to figure out how to survive. Furthermore, they never try to strike lottery tickets.

Millionaires understand themselves. They are aware of their capacities. They know what they do well and where they suck. That is why they never try to master everything. Instead, they channel all their energy into what they are good at and found a way to make money doing it.

Here are two questions for you:

What are you good at? Can you make money doing it?

These two questions are very important. At the same time, they are the hardest ones to answer.

There are a ton of people who are stuck in their own thoughts. They don’t know what they want or what they are good at. They go to college and try every major. Five years later, they find themselves in unimaginable college loans without any degrees. So, they drop out.

Dropping out is not the worst decision a person can do. But dropping out with thousands in debt without a degree is questionable. Before you borrow money to do anything including going to college, know what you want.

What is it that you want and why do you want it? Is it something you really want to do? These questions will help you know if you are making the right decision.

After figuring out what you are good at, go to work. Find a way to make money doing it. Millionaires know exactly what they are good at. You should do the same. They do not pretend to know something. If they know something, they say they know it. On the contrary, if they don’t know something, they will tell you they have no idea what it is.

Admitting that you don’t know something is your first step to becoming a millionaire. This step will open new doors for learning opportunities and excel in your area.

4. Think like a millionaire: Be optimistic

The mistake millions of people make is to assume that millionaires got an easy ride. Although it is true that some people inherit millions of dollars, there are some who work their butt off to make it to the top. These are self-made millionaires. They worked really hard their entire lives and faced the harshest challenges life threw at them.

They got knocked down countless times and lifted themselves up. People hated them and others thought they were losing their minds. Some of them lost everything including their friends, relatives, and money. Still, they rose.

How were there able to survive all of that? How did they manage to rise and rise again after every challenge?

The answer is simple and yet powerful: OPTIMISM.

Optimism is the feeling and confidence that whatever you are doing will work out the way you want. The feeling that results will be positive. The idea that something will turn out true. Millionaires are very optimistic about what they do.

Optimism increases patience and creativity. If you did not know, our emotions are our greatest enemies. Optimism helps calm emotions which in the end increases confidence.

Why should you be optimistic? Well, during your journey to becoming a millionaire, you will encounter unimaginable setbacks. You will doubt yourself. People will doubt you or your ability to make it to the top.

How do you think you will be able to rise? The only way you will lift yourself up is by being optimistic that things will work out the way you want. Your confidence that even if life is hard now, it will be better tomorrow. That is what will lift you up. That is how you will fall and rise again over and over until you can no longer fall. Stay optimistic and rise up one step at a time.

Related: How to stay positive: 6 ways to stay positive

5. Believe in planning

Millionaires believe in planning. They think that every successful project should have a successful plan. At the end of the day, if something does not work on paper(theoretically), it will not work in real life.

How do you know if what you want to do will work out? You know the answer from the plan. Plan everything, especially big things. Do not start a project without a plan. Millionaires spend a lot of time, money, and effort perfecting their plans.

TIP: A well-prepared plan is always easy to execute.

No matter how much you believe in the success of your idea, you must have a good plan behind it. That is how millionaires figure out whether something will work or not. They increase their probability of success by planning. If you want to think like a millionaire, start thinking about planning. That is what millionaires do.

6. Do not make money your main goal

Although millionaires believe in making a lot of money, money is not their main goal. Instead, millionaires focus their minds on something they can work on to make a lot of money. They look around them and find a big problem that many people are struggling with.

The bigger the problem, the better. By solving a big problem, they reach a lot of people. This increases the money they make. So, if you want to think like a millionaire, start thinking about solving problems. Do not make money your main goal or priority. If you chase money, you will never get it or have enough of it.

Look around you and find a problem you can solve. Money will follow. Always treat money as a tool that can help you solve more problems, and of course, make money. Money is a reward for a problem you have solved. That is how you think like a millionaire.

7. Distance yourself from negative people

Millionaires believe that negative people are like poison that kills you slowly. Negative people do not have the stamina or mental strength of solving big problems. They don’t see far beyond their negativity.

If you are having emotional problems right now it is either because :(1) you are a negative person or (2) you are surrounded by negative people. Those who want to be millionaires already have a positive mindset. What they do to complete the equation is to distance themselves from negative people.

Even if those who are pulling you down are your so-called friends or family members, walk away from them. The reality will soon kick in if you keep delaying this decision. You will become like them. Once you have embraced negativity, it will be hard to become a millionaire.

Related: 8 ways to avoid negative people and focus on your goals

8. Think like a millionaire: Keep learning

Learning is a weapon rich people use to stay ahead. What you are learning today will help you solve tomorrow’s problems. If you are not learning today, you won’t survive tomorrow.

Millionaires read a lot, pay money for mentorship, attend seminars, etc. Why can’t they stop if they have made it? Well, it is because the world is continuously changing and those who can change with it will survive. Millionaires understand this better than anyone else. They learn as much as they can so that they will be the ones to solve your problems. That is how you will end up buying their products and services.

9. Think like a millionaire: Embrace hard work

Millionaires do not believe in luck. They don’t believe in laziness either. What do they believe in? Hard work is a priority for millionaires. They believe that everything good comes at a cost. They know that even if they have a winning plan, they must work hard.

Most millionaires worked countless hours and had sleepless nights before they reached financial freedom. Some people work over a hundred hours per week for many years before they reach that milestone. Hard work always pays off as long as you are working on the right thing.

If you want to think like a millionaire, replace your laziness with hard work. Know that there is an effort to be paid before you achieve what you are after. Tears must be shed before you achieve your goals. That is how millionaires think and that is what they do.

10. Always be Honest

If you are like most people, you make commitments to others all the time. How often do you keep your promise? It is impossible to follow through on every single one you make in life, but how many you break and how you handle it when you do is key to understanding yourself.

Just so we are clear, a promise, as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is: "a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified; or a legally binding declaration that gives the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act."

When we don't keep a promise to someone, it communicates to that person that we don't value him or her. We have chosen to put something else ahead of our commitment. Even when we break small promises, others learn that they cannot count on us. Tiny fissures develop in our relationships marked by broken promises.

We are not only communicating all of this to others, we are telling ourselves that we don't value our own word. We think it is okay to let someone down, to say something we don't mean, or to fail to follow through on something we said we would do. Not keeping a promise is the same as disrespecting yourself. Ultimately it can harm our self-imageself-esteem, and our life.

If you are making more commitments than you can keep, ask yourself the following questions:

What is my motivation behind the promise? Why am I making a particular commitment? What is my intention? Am I doing this for the recipient or for myself? Sometimes we do something purely out of good intentions. Other times it is for what we will receive. We might believe that we need to say "yes" to get what we want or to ensure someone will like us. We tell people what we believe they want to hear so they're happy. Be honest with yourself about why you are committing to something. What are you getting out of the deal? That might clue you in as to whether or not you should make the promise in the first place.

Am I being realistic? Life moves at the speed of light and we often have to pick and choose how we spend our time. Consider your schedule, and ask yourself if this is a promise you can keep. It is always better to under-commit and over-deliver than over-promise and fall short.

Is it crucial for me to make this promise? There is nothing in life that says you MUST make promises to others. We all can't stand the boss who looks us in the eyes and commits to something she can't or won't deliver. Don't be that person! If you don't know if you can come through or not, it is fine to simply set appropriate expectations. Tell your neighbor that you would love to help plan the block party but are unsure if you can do it because of your busy schedule, and that you will let her know next week. People respect honesty even when faced with an answer that might not be exactly what they want to hear.

When I break a promise, do I handle it well? When we unexpectedly get the holiday shift at work, do we let our family know as soon as we can that we won't be able to make it for Thanksgiving? When a significant event arises that prevents us from meeting a friend as promised, do we give that friend a heads-up early enough so that she can make other plans? Most people are reasonable when it comes to a change of plans, as long as we have an explanation and are kind about it.

Keeping these things in mind can help us manage commitments more effectively, which helps us feel positive about our track record! Keeping our promises is good for others and good for us!

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.

Self employed for over 40 years


Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto
February 19, 2023 at 3:07pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin
February 19, 2023 at 11:09am
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for sharing Andries - keep believing in yourself and stay positive
February 19, 2023 at 11:08am