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WebTalks own Coin !!

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on May 21, 2019 - 12:43am

WebTalks own Coin!!
(connections only) Facebook may be launching their own cryptocurrency, but they don't have YOU, Webtalk's tech or SOCIALCPX!

If and when everything goes to plan, Webtalk's product roadmap includes a universal marketplace to sell your time as a freelancer/service provider as well as your products as a business, powered by our patent-pending "trust engine" to help reduce bad actors and increase your success chances.

We also plan to release our wallet and currency exchange that will be paired with the launch of our own cryptocurrency called Webtalk Coin.

Our coin will be tied to the value of USD. When our Webtalk Coin first launches, it will act much like Credits platform where the credits are fully-refundable.

Webtalk will not be conducting an ICO, but rather revealing the biggest disrupter to modern economics, a self-mining coin that has immediate value, liquidity and utility AKA SocialCPX.

Our coins will be mined through REAL revenue sharing and usable to purchase products, services, labor and advertising all over the world.

It's Webtalk's mining, banking and decentralization strategy that is projected to change the world forever. We will release that secret when the time is right.

You all are truly not just witnessing the future in the making, you are making it happen!
Join for Free here : https://www.webtalk.co/be/home/6501700

Andries Van Tonder This will be bigger than Facebook....
June 24, 2019 at 2:43am
Muhammad Nabeel Rafique Looking Interesting
June 24, 2019 at 1:39am