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Which are Top Best Countries for Affiliate Marketing?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on November 24, 2023 - 6:40am Edited 11/24 at 6:40am

Which are Top Best Countries for Affiliate Marketing?

The shopping interaction has significantly changed over the previous years. We now live in an omnichannel setting in which individuals lean toward getting the data and purchasing the items on the web, like never before previously. In any case, this doesn't mean the other conventional channels have been (or ought to be) neglected.

It has never been more essential to deal with a cognizant brand picture by adjusting the idea, the message, and the proposal to all methods for appropriation, on the web and actual store, online advertisements, messages, occasions, site, and so forth 

Moreover, Retailers presently face the need to adjust their items and the brand's center guarantee to their intended interest groups. They need to comprehend and adjust their administrations to the requirements of clients around the world: limited online procedures comprise site interpretation, nearby money estimating show, restricted instalment arrangements, a few conveyance alternatives, confined help, etc.


From the second a shopping venture begins; the educated purchasers anticipate coherence and consistence anytime and across all shopping and conveyance channels. Information mining gets vital in choosing where and when to go through cash as a dealer.

All the gaps that were identified should be filled starting from the offers purchasers get on their email (in light of his past acquisitions), to the greeting page insight, shopping basket convenience, and helpful instalment choices, and to the chance of returning the item available and advantage from help in a language of decision.

Deciding on the geography of your ads always plays an integral part of a marketing campaign, if of course you want it to work right. Choose your target market right, and you will get exposure among just the right audience, which will result in more clients coming your way. Choose your target market wrong, and you will not only burn through your budget, but also turn your whole marketing campaign into a waste, as the results will most likely return little to no traction.

So what is the difference between these country tiers and how to find the right one for your campaign?

This is exactly what we will look into today in a bid to provide you with enough knowledge on the differences, so that you make the correct decisions when setting up your bitcoin marketing campaign and targeting the right geographical region via the Bitmedia advertising platform!

GEO Tier Marketing Principles

It is critical to note that all country tiers are important and they all carry both pros and cons when it comes to deciding on your crypto ad campaign strategy. All countries in tiers are classified by how well their economies are doing, drawn from performance indicators like Gross Domestic Product (GDP), GNI per capita (Gross National Income), inflation, exchange rates, as well as the Human Development Index (HDI).

Tier 1 countries are considered to represent the first world or the most developed economies, whilst Tier 3 countries represent a proportionally opposing list of economies that are typically called the third world. Tier 2 countries as you can imagine, stand for the balance between the aforementioned tiers, where the economies are in a healthy development stage and GDP levels are at a sufficiently good level.

Some outline that there are Tier 4 countries too, but we will exclude them from today’s analysis because they are considered to be impenetrable in terms of content or marketing due to the lack of internet communications, government regulations, language boundaries and many other aspects that make any kind of foreign marketing practically impossible.

Tier 1 Countries ( Green)

These are the most developed countries in the world, that boast consumers with the biggest buying power and deepest pockets. It’s the countries where everything sells regardless of the price of the product or service. It’s the technologically advanced regions, where mostly every citizen has a smartphone and an internet connection and hence, they serve as a playground for the utmost tailored marketing campaigns, given the available amount of audience data collected on a daily basis and the buying capacity, however niche your tier 1 marketing is.

Nevertheless, there are some disadvantages to the tier 1 countries too. It’s the market everyone wants to enter and therefore, competition is usually extremely fierce. These regions are highly regulated, which prompts specific ad placement rules and company conduct and finally, this brings us to costs.

High level of competition results in high costs. Regardless of where the crypto advertiser is based, chances are, at least a small part of their budget is allocated towards tier 1 marketing.

This, quite often, rockets the CPMs, CPAs and CPCs costs to the Moon and sometimes even Mars, turning any marketing campaign into a quite costly endeavour. Still, it’s where Bitmedia can help, because we know the industry through and through and always make sure our clients set their tier 1 marketing campaigns just right, to make them effective.

In the accompanying post, we take a look at the development of affiliate marketing across these 10 biggest business sectors for affiliate marketing

1. The USA

The biggest partner advertising nation is the United States, at $6.8 billion. The absolute greatest partner networks are local Amazon Associates and eBay. For Amazon, 6% of its strong 2.5 billion online visits a month show up from partners. 

2. Japan 

Japan sees $3.3 billion in offshoot advertising with the homegrown market developing 15% every year. Japan has a populace of around 126 million individuals with a high web infiltration of 91% 

3. Germany

Germany is the fifth-biggest shopper market internationally and brands have been bridling the force of organizations. 

4. Australia 

In Australia, $930 million is spent on member promoting – 10% of the country's $9.3 billion yearly computerized showcasing spend. As per an IAB investigation of 70 advertisers practically all brands drew in with offshoot promoting utilize Cost Per Action (99%), a minority utilize Cost for every snap (19%), cost per lead (16%)


5. United Kingdom

In the UK $634 million (£510 million) has been filled subsidiary promoting programs. As indicated by the IAB UK, retail and Telco areas lead the way, driving separately 43% and 24% of all-out deals, trailed by Travel and Leisure (16%) and Finance (11%). 

6. France 

France's member promoting spend addresses around 9% of the country's advanced advertising spend. French protection and banking areas have accepted the subsidiary promotion. 

7. Canada

Canada is the following large open door for US-based offshoot advertising programs. Traders and promoting organizations have done such a great job publicizing their brands that the US commercial center has gotten to some degree immersed and edges slice to an absolute minimum." This has prompted an unimaginable chance for Canadian-based appropriation organizations, partners, and dealers. 

8. India 

In India, Flipkart is a greater online retailer than Amazon and runs an incredible subsidiary program in India that is a huge wellspring of member spend. Flipkart Affiliate Marketing commission goes from 1%-15% of the item's cost. 

9. Brazil 

Offshoot showcasing makes up a little portion of the country's nearly $3.3 billion computerized publicizing spends. At the point when we take a gander at that in three years, the number of web clients in the district will have grown a ton, particularly on versatile, where the information plans are getting financed and individuals are going directly to portable for the Internet.

10. Italy 

The Mediterranean is seen by many as a growth area for affiliate marketing, and Italy is no exception. Affiliate marketing is less developed in Italy than in other European markets such as the UK and Germany, resulting in less competition and price pressures

Markethive - a Powerful Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs

MarketHive is an entrepreneurial social marketing platform with the combined strength of LinkedIn, Amazon, Facebook and Marketo.

Markethive is at the forefront of marketing in today's online environment.

It's the perfect marketing platform for online marketers, businesses, affiliate marketers, brands, cryptocurrency enthusiasts, investors and anyone else that requires an online presence.

More info HERE  <<<<

About: Andries vanTonder

Over 40 years selfemployed 

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, an Enthusiastic supporter of Blockchain Technology and a Cryptocurrency Investor

Find me at my Markethive Profile Page | My Twitter Account  | My Instagram Acount  | and my Facebook Profile.