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Why I invest in Bitcoin and not in Gold.

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on May 21, 2019 - 5:57am

Why I invest in Bitcoin and not in Gold.

Satoshi Nakamoto had a clear intention of taking away financial control from the banks and hand it over to the people through decentralisation which was made possible by blockchain which is now powering no less than 2000 applications.

This is hence, the reason why some cryptocurrency enthusiasts are buying Bitcoin at the moment.

Central banks are buying gold faster than anytime since World War II.


To protect themselves against the mess they have created.

I choose to buy bitcoin instead.

In the advent of an economic meltdown, Bitcoin could provide the cover most people need and save their wealth against the wrong decisions central banks are making.

Nakamoto also designed Bitcoin to be deflationary.

This implies that the purchasing power of the cryptocurrency will be increasing over time.

The cryptocurrency’s design is to ultimately make it a better store of value since it is scarcer than Gold.

Economists have since concluded that it is an excellent store of value thanks to Lindy’s effect and Network Effect that would take it global.

Besides, it is not hard to see why the 21 million maximum cap of Bitcoin makes it an even better store of value than Gold.

As of July 2018, Bitcoin inflation rate stood 4.25 percent.

Considering its architecture, it would continue dropping until it reaches zero.

While banks are buying more Gold to protect themselves from economic instability, cryptocurrency enthusiasts are doing the same through a better, global, valuable, scarce and a better store of value in Bitcoin.

See one of my passive income streams     HERE

Andries Van Tonder absolutely!
June 24, 2019 at 2:44am
Muhammad Nabeel Rafique Cryptocurency is the Future money
June 24, 2019 at 1:38am