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Why an Entrepreneur should be Visionary

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on October 26, 2023 - 6:35am Edited 10/26 at 6:35am

Why an Entrepreneur should be Visionary

In entrepreneurship, every good or bad decision is the result of one’s vision followed by either success or failure however small or big. Vision is the drive that gets an entrepreneur going. A simple foresight of what future will or could look like can change the course of how a business is done.

Creating a vision for your life might seem like a frivolous, fantastical waste of time, but it’s not: creating a compelling vision of the life you want is actually one of the most effective strategies for achieving the life of your dreams.
Perhaps the best way to look at the concept of a life vision is as a compass to help guide you to take the best actions and make the right choices that help propel you toward your best life.

Why you need a vision

Experts and life success stories support the idea that with a vision in mind, you are more likely to succeed far beyond what you could otherwise achieve without a clear vision.
Think of crafting your life vision as mapping a path to your personal and professional dreams. Life satisfaction and personal happiness are within reach.
The harsh reality is that if you don’t develop your own vision, you’ll allow other people and circumstances to direct the course of your life.

Vision not only determines the success of an organization, but also frames its culture, norms, and organizational structure. A visionary entrepreneur will know what the business will look like and every aspect of its process or as a finished form.

1. Vision Frames the Entire Business

Vision forms and sets the culture, which is an element that is shared between employees and hence, creates norms and duties that outlines how the total organization acts. It is the driving force that leads an organization.

A visionary entrepreneur is able to create the desired culture in an organization and shape its actions. Successful entrepreneurs like, Mark Zuckerberg or Google’s Larry Page and Sergey Brin, have had visions that were so driven and sometimes even impossible to hold onto that those visions are still the reason behind company’s current framework.

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook has set a culture of personally welcoming all new employees, despite his company’s large staff count. The culture he set didn’t go out of track even with impossibly large number of staffs to entertain.

2. Visionary Leaders can Understand Risk

Richard Branson is one of the best-known visionary risk-takers in the business. The founder of Virgin has undertaken ambitious ideas from starting his own phone service with Virgin Mobile to unsettling the airline industry as a whole. He has been manhandling an adequate number of business ideas by seeking for a good vision in risk and benefiting from it instead of catching blunder mistakes through it.

Visionary leaders can analyze the benefits that a risk will bring and also are able to understand which kind of risk is a big ‘no’.

3. A Good Vision can Ensure Survival in Changing Environment

The business environment is ever changing. From internal to the external environment, an entrepreneur needs to have a clear vision of knowing the track of change and pre-adopting to the change. Great visions lead to the futuristic approach to survival, ensuring well-being not only in the current situation but in many unavoidable changes in the business environment. Surviving change requires a great strategy which is inspired by a good vision.

4. Vision Tempts Innovation

Nick Woodman invented GoPro as a result of his own personal needs. He wanted to take videos while surfing and hence, his vision of what a camera should be like led him to the invention of GoPro, which revolutionized the world of videography.

Innovation is often the result of seeing or dreaming of a future that isn’t thought possible by countless. Visionary entrepreneurs look at the world from a different angle and renovate their vision into innovation.

5. Vision is the Key to Focus

Since vision sets a framework, it gets a person working around one single idea instead of deviating and jumping from and to different ideas. No success is ever achieved by clusters of thoughts but by the single idea that freezes into a mission. A clear vision will define a path for an entrepreneur and hence prevent straying of the mind.

In HBO’s documentary on Warren Buffet, two successful entrepreneurs, Buffet and Bill Gates are shown sitting at a table, asked to write down on a piece of paper the one thing that they each felt accredited most to their success. Buffett and Gates had written down the same thing on their papers: focus. A good vision is linked with great focus and focus, an attribute for success.

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About: Andries vanTonder (Over 40 years self-employed)

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, an Enthusiastic supporter of Blockchain Technology and a Cryptocurrency Investor

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