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Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?...

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on February 19, 2023 - 11:57am

Why Are Some People More Successful Than Others?...

Some people seem to attract success, power, and wealth without any effort, while others must overcome mountainous hazards to achieve. And some strive their whole life and still fail to achieve their goals. So, why are some people successful and others not?

What is the difference between them?

Is it physical? If it were, the strongest, most beautiful, most perfect ones would be the most successful, but we can see that this is not the way of things. Therefore, the difference must be found in our minds.

How to get out of the starting blocks.

Why is it that some people seem always to succeed and others can never seem to get started? Is it analysis paralysis? Could be. Perhaps it is the dreaded perception of perfection which seems unattainable no matter how hard we try? I have spent a career studying extreme high achievers. One of the pillars that sets them apart is how they approach challenges. They tell themselves, “I have to try at least.”

High achievers fear not trying more than they fear failing. They likely feel they have nothing to lose, and any advancement, even a small one, would be a step forward. They ensure a high degree of control over many aspects of their work, including the objectives, pacing, content, methodology, and outcomes assessment.

Break it down into small parts

Taking on a new challenge can be overwhelming. Break it down into small manageable parts. When writing a book, you do not do it in one sitting. Even one chapter is not completed in one sitting. Two pages sound more manageable. Do you have a PowerPoint deck you need to put together for a presentation? Start with an outline, then work on a color scheme, finally enter your content, one section at a time. Set aside a time block to edit your slides.

Control what you can control

If you want to find what to worry about, there is always something. High achievers ‘control what they can control.' Use your energy and efforts to determine how to manipulate what is in your control. When variables and data changes, pivot accordingly.

Done is good

When working on my doctorate, one thing my mentors always told me: “Done is good.” You can obsess over every detail, but you will never finish. Sometimes, finishing is the task. It does not need to be perfect. You will likely get feedback and make revisions afterward. You want that as feedback is an opportunity for enhancement.

Failure does not mean finished

Understand that failure is a natural part of the process and a learning opportunity. Glean what you can from every challenge and use that as ammunition to improve your future performance. Sometimes just being in it is proof to yourself and others that you tried.

Focus on ‘how’ instead of ‘if’

Focus less on wondering if you will overcome the challenge. Believe that you can. Focus instead on how you will overcome the latest hurdle. Use your energy to strategize and come up with a plan. Instead of hearing ‘no’ think ‘not yet.’

Mistakes, challenges, and accomplishments of the past will shepherd you into the future. Use your history as a compass, learn from your previous experiences as well as that of others. Fear not trying more than you fear failing. If you do not try, you will not have the opportunity to succeed. What is the worst that will happen? Give it a try, for the sake of trying.

Why is developing your mind so important?

It is our mind that determines the circumstances of our life as a result of the actions we have taken, or have not taken, and the reactions we have had because of the beliefs we hold about ourselves and life in general. All of this occurs according to our thoughts!

We consider ourselves to be a particular type of character or personality because of the thoughts that we have about ourselves. But what would happen to our self-perception if we changed the way we thought about ourselves?

We would, of course, change, for better or worse, depending on the new thoughts that we choose. Then, how we act and react with our family, friends, co-workers, and the world at large will also change, as will the results/circumstances that we attract into our lives.

So, changing our lives is as easy as changing the predominant thoughts that are regularly passing through our minds.

Therefore, it is the mind (because of the thoughts we entertain) that is the creative force that enables us to overcome (or be defeated by) any obstacles in the way of our goals and dreams.

The results You manifest in your life are directly related to your thoughts.

The creation of wealth, position, sports achievement, success, and happiness are all dependent on the correct beliefs being held and acknowledged within our minds before they can manifest in our lives. This is because the laws that govern the mental world are as fixed as those governing the material world.

It is known that the laws of the mind are fixed, and specific thoughts will result in an exact and corresponding result, without exception. This is because the mind acts upon the ‘universal ether,’ which scientists know is the basis of all substances. It is within us, about us, and around us, always and forever.

The ether is pliable and manifests into reality according to the vibration we radiate, which is a result of our thoughts, which are dependent on our subconscious beliefs. Therefore…..

….. to get what we desire, we just need to emit the corresponding vibration, i.e., think the correct thoughts by getting so fixated on what we what that we drown out any vibrations that are contradictory to our desires.

By understanding that the power to control the circumstances of our lives comes from within, any one of us can, with the proper focus of our mind, overcome any obstacles we currently face and turn our life around to achieve all that we desire.

Once we recognize that happiness, health, wealth, success, and every other condition are RESULTS manifested into our lives because of our predominant thought patterns, (consciously and unconsciously), as determined by fixed universal laws, we will realize nothing happens to us by chance or accident, and that we alone are responsible for the current conditions of our life. It’s not about what happened in a past life or about the situation that we were born into, but the vibration we are emitting right now!

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.

Self employed for over 40 years


Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin, agree on that
February 19, 2023 at 3:22pm
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for sharing Andries - I have noticed that people give up so easily while others are persistent and they are the ones who succeed
February 19, 2023 at 3:15pm
Andries Van Tonder 1.5 hours from now Otto
February 19, 2023 at 3:14pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto
February 19, 2023 at 3:04pm