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Welcome to Markethive

Entrepreneurs and Investors

Posted by Scott Worswick on August 05, 2019 - 9:14am Edited 8/5 at 10:27pm

If you are either running a business or looking for a sound investment, you should at least investigate Markethive.



The CEO Thomas Prendergast - built the first inbound marketing platform called Veretekk in 1996 (at the Super Computer Center UCSD) that operated for almost 20 years. Including many firsts like the first sequential auto responder email platform, the first remote broadcasting tool (The Hammer), the first online application that both read and wrote to a remote database (Access database) and returned a set of commands and data to build the subscriber their own website instantaneously.

As the architect, President and CEO, and Chief Marketing Officer, I was programming and hired programmers to build these systems. I was also the designer of the designs, interfaces, logos, and marketing videos and materials, and supervised the outsourcing as well. All of this was also designed to integrate within Google, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn as those APIs and platforms became available and evolved.

Before private labeling was trending, Veretekk was the engine behind hundreds of lead and marketing company’s platforms, and built me a database of over 150 million individual subscribers, users and recipients of Veretekk benefits:

• Over 20 million system users
• More than 40,000 paying subscribers
• Over $1 million in hardware investment
• Exceeding $1 million per year revenues


The CTO Douglas Yates - A 20+ year executive that has started and led companies since his teenage years. Participated and led large enterprise size projects. Very strong technical background with strong marketing abilities.

Experienced in blockchain knowledge, ICO/ILP/Airdrops, integration and trading BTC and Altcoins.

Specialties: Strategic Planning and Thinking, Blockchain Knowledge, Market Development, Product Development and Launching, Executive Level Couching and Consulting, Program and Project Management, Agile/Scrum Software methodology, IT Management & Inbound Marketing. 

Markethive has been in a beta phase for 4 years but is coming to the time when they will launch a massive campaign to the general public.

Since I have been there, in the last 3 months their Alexa ranking has gone from just under 30,000 to just over 18,000 and have increased their membership from around 5,000 to 20,000 plus.


What does Markethive offer for business owners?

Markethive is a social market platform that is essentially a hybrid between the social networks, Inbound Marketing, eBay and exchanges. No other alternative utilizes blockchain the way Markethive does. What makes Markethive different is its transparency; anyone can look at how we function and see that we are not spying on you. It also means everything you do is encrypted and private. The platform is completely decentralized, encrypted, private and secure. All of our code is open source, meaning privacy, transparency and free speech is foundational.

When you develop a proprietary suite of advanced, effective inbound marketing tools, and integrate the entire system into a FaceBook like social network and interface, you have the world’s first entrepreneur business person’s social network. Then offer the entire system for free to the entire worldwide market of entrepreneurs. That includes; small businesses, local businesses, regional businesses, global businesses, cottage industries, real estate agents, mortgage brokers, insurance agents, affiliate marketers, software innovators, musicians, churches, political platforms, political candidates, distributors, network marketers, innovators, and dreamers!

To be effective at inbound marketing (content marketing), it is essential to have an automated marketing system that embraces and enhances your marketing strategy. 

The best part is that it is free with Markethive. The Markethive Inbound Marketing System can be compared with other platforms costing as much as $2,500 per month. 


What does Markethive offer the Investor

Currently but not for much longer, you can purchase a full ILP (Initial Loan Procurement):

The ILP defined: The solution is offering a share of the company revenue via an assumable note. This means you are not buying tokens, nor engaging in speculation. What it means is you are lending Markethive money and in return, you receive a debt note. The agreement is you will receive 1 share of about 1000 shares may be a few more, or a few less, paid from 20% of Markethive's revenue for a period of 20 years. The note is assumable, transferable and renewable. In 20 years you will have the option to renew it with a small administration fee.

The following video will help you to understand the ILP and why it is poised to become the standard used by viable Blockchain Crowd Funding offerings:



Investor Options:


Buy $1,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .12 share of an ILP.


Buy $2,500 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .35 share of an ILP.


Buy $5,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive a .8 share of an ILP.


Buy $10,000 worth of MHV coin through our Markethive account (Markethive will transfer the coin to your Markethive account or your MEW wallet) and receive 2 shares of an ILP (one ILP and one shadow ILP). 

A rotator: Plus earn an equal share of new ILP purchases in our official crowd funding launch of Markethive this summer (proposed)


Additional bonus: Existing ILP owners will also receive equal shares in the rotator Crowd Funding Launch and if you purchase an additional ILP via this offer we will double an equal amount of shares (not shadow shares) you currently hold.

ie: [If you currently hold 3 ILP shares, and purchase 2 ($20,000) new ILP accounts “receiving 2 x 2 ILPS = 4” 2 of your 3 existing ILPs will also be doubled. Giving you a new total of 9 ILPs.3 + 1 now equals 9!


To join Markethive click on the banner:


Investors please message me at:


Skype: Scott.worswick

Melody Christie excellent!
August 9, 2019 at 7:54am
Andries Van Tonder Great Blog Scott.
August 6, 2019 at 5:02am