Growing evidence of election fraud reveals that the United States’ presidency has been stolen from the American people. This documentary explains it all.
Join MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell for a never-before-seen report breaking down the evidence and showing exactly how this unprecedented level of voter fraud was committed.
No longer can tyrannical state and federal politicians or AG's deny this, like Dana Nessel, AG for Michigan. In November of last year, Nessel told Washington Post she would investigate every attorney who disagreed with her, challenged the election, and would bring criminal sanctions against them.
This part of Mike Lindell's documentary "The Absolute Truth" focuses on the proof positive evidence of electoral votes that were flipped, negated, and changed in favor of a Biden win through a time-line of cyberattacks from other countries, particularly China.
This unconstitutional, even criminal behavior could’ve so easily been swept under the carpet, but for what is being considered a miracle, and it is all happening in God’s timing.
This documentary is being censored and removed by the social media elitists as fast as the good people are sharing it. Thank God for the new sovereign platforms; they are rising up to take the oligarchs’ place.
Written by Deb Williams
Chief Editor and writer for, the social, market, broadcasting network. An avid supporter of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. I thrive on progress and champion freedom of speech and sovereignty. I embrace "Change" with a passion, and my purpose in life is to enlighten people en masse, accept and move forward with enthusiasm.