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Entrepreneur, are you ready, the Storm is coming?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on October 01, 2022 - 11:47am Edited 10/1 at 4:37pm

Entrepreneur, are you ready, the Storm is coming!

What is an entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. The process of setting up a business is known as entrepreurship. The entrepreneur is commonly seen as an innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.

Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and bring good new ideas to market. Entrepreneurship that proves to be successful in taking on the risks of creating a startup is rewarded with profits, fame, and continued growth opportunities. 

Key Take aways

  • A person who undertakes the risk of starting a new business venture is called an entrepreneur.
  • An entrepreneur creates a firm to realize their idea, known as entrepreneurship, which aggregates capital and labor in order to produce goods or services for profit.
  • Entrepreneurship is highly risky but also can be highly rewarding, as it serves to generate economic wealth, growth, and innovation.
  • Ensuring funding is key for entrepreneurs: Financing resources include SBA loans and crowdfunding.
  • The way entrepreneurs file and pay taxes will depend on how the business is set up in terms of structure.

Types of Entrepreneur

Not every entrepreneur is the same and not all have the same goals. Here are a few types of entrepreneurs:


Builders seek to create scalable businesses within a short time frame. Builders typically pass $5 million in revenue in the first two to four years and continue to build up until $100 million or beyond. These individuals seek to build out a strong infrastructure by hiring the best talent and seeking the best investors. They have temperamental personalities that are suited to the fast growth they desire but can make personal and business relationships difficult.


Opportunistic entrepreneurs are optimistic individuals with the ability to pick out financial opportunities, get in at the right time, stay on board during the time of growth, and exit when a business hits its peak.

These types of entrepreneurs are concerned with profits and the wealth they will build, so they are attracted to ideas where they can create residual or renewal income. Because they are looking to find well-timed opportunities, opportunistic entrepreneurs can be impulsive.


Innovators are those rare individuals that come up with a great idea or product that no one has thought of before. Think of Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg. These individuals worked on what they loved and found business opportunities through that.

Rather than focusing on money, innovators care more about the impact that their products and services have on society. These individuals are not the best at running a business as they are idea-generating individuals, so often they leave the day-to-day operations to those more capable in that respect.


These individuals are analytical and risk-averse. They have a strong skill set in a specific area obtained through education or apprenticeship. A specialist entrepreneur will build out their business through networking and referrals, resulting in slower growth than a builder entrepreneur.

4 Types of Entrepreneurship

As there are different types of entrepreneurs, there are also different types of businesses they create. Below are the main different types of entrepreneurship.


Small business entrepreneurship is the idea of opening a business without turning it into a large conglomerate or opening many chains. A single-location restaurant, one grocery shop, or a retail shop to sell your handmade goods would all be an example of small business entrepreneurship.

These individuals usually invest their own money and succeed if their business turns a profit, which they live off of. They don't have outside investors and will only take a loan if it helps continue the business.

Scalable Startup

These are companies that start with a unique idea; think Silicon Valley. The hopes are to innovate with a unique product or service and continue growing the company, continuously scaling up as time moves on. These types of companies often require investors and large amounts of capital to grow their idea and reach multiple markets.


Large company entrepreneurship is a new business division created within an existing company. The existing company may be well placed to branch out into other sectors or it may be well placed to become involved in new technology.

CEOs of these companies either foresee a new market for the company or individuals within the company generate ideas that they bring to senior management to start the process.

Social Entrepreneurship

The goal of social entrepreneurship is to create a benefit to society and humankind. They focus on helping communities or the environment through their products and services. They are not driven by profits but rather by helping the world around them.

How to become an entrepreneur

“Entrepreneur” is an exciting title for many as it can be a fulfilling and rewarding career. The entrepreneurial path tends to start with a great idea. You may turn to your friend and say “wouldn’t it be great if…?” and your wheels start turning on what resources and technology you might need to bring this idea to life. Those interested should create a plan and include the following steps on becoming an entrepreneur:

  1. Identify a problem.

  2. Expand your formal and informal education.

  3. Build your network.

  4. Reach financial stability.

  5. Solve the problem with a business idea.

  6. Test the idea.

  7. Raise money.

How do new entrepreneurs advertise their business on their own?

Advertising is expensive and takes proper instruction to truly understand. For those without degrees, the internet provides resources and even introductory courses to advertising. Entrepreneurs may not always need a complicated campaign or scripted commercial. They can instead use digital marketing to advertise their business. Social media platforms allow business owners to advertise on their sites and even offer guides on how to use their ad management systems.

The Rise of Entrepreneurship and Social Media

a Report  shows that people are entering entrepreneurships because they are confident in their abilities and believe that there are better opportunities in being their own bosses.   As we go through the Information Age, it is only logical that entrepreneurs take advantage of available social media mediums to reach out to consumers and market their services or products.

For years, the social media industry has seen a lot of change and a substantial rise in usage. One of the first major social media platforms was MySpace. However, MySpace was quickly overtaken by Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. According to a Pew Research Center survey, as of 2018, a majority of U.S. adults are using some form of social media. Social media platforms allow users to stay connected with friends they know in real life or meet new friends in the virtual world. There are also sites created to make professional connections, such as LinkedIn and Bumble Bizz. Now, social media platforms help businesses market their products and services while helping entrepreneurs communicate to the world.  Social media makes the world aware of their products, services, and more importantly, their visions.

Pew Research Center data revealed that most users visit social media platforms at least once a day, and 51% of users visit more than one social media platform multiple times a day. These visits give more exposure to an entrepreneur’s products and services, thereby creating more business opportunities for them. According to Pew, social media users regularly visit several social media platforms.  For example, 91% of Instagram users also use Facebook, and 87% Facebook users also use YouTube.  Out of those users who regularly engage in social media, over 90% of them use YouTube. By using only 2 or 3 social media platforms, an entrepreneur can widely disseminate business promotions and create a diverse customer base.

Social media easily allows consumers to accesses a variety of markets and helps entrepreneurs to build a genuine relationship with their clientele. A simple “like,” comment, message or sharing of photos and videos is an instant and efficient method of building a connection with a potential client. Entrepreneurs can also use social media to immediately receive feedback from their clients. Positive feedback can increase a customer base and any negative feedback show entrepreneurs where they can improve.  Shoug Al Nafisi, a self-employed nutritionist, says that social media even allows direct communication and testing of her ideas. There has been as increase of 115% in organic marketing reach since 2012; 68% of Instagram users habitually interact with brands, products, and services.

Entrepreneurs using social media also create a marketing network when their own loyal customers share their social media posts with other users. Another major upside to using social media is influencer marketing. Influence marketing is when a popular influencer or celebrity uses their personal social media accounts to promote a product or service. For example, an entrepreneur can convince an influential social media user, (i.e., someone with one million followers on Instagram) to promote the entrepreneur’s brand. Followers will likely try out the entrepreneur’s product due to their loyalty to the popular influencer.

Because social media is such a great economical alternative to advertising on TV, radio, or magazines, social media is used by many entrepreneurs including: Dwayne Johnson, Gary Vayner, Mike Rashid, and Dan Bilzerian. Big corporations such as Apple, Samsung, Walmart, and Target have also capitalized on the many benefits of social media. Law firms are slowly following suit.

As more and more employees leave traditional jobs to become their own bosses, more and more consumers use social media in search of services and products. Incoming entrepreneurs have access to innumerable social media resources and social media usage is rising at an unprecedented rate. It would be wise for entrepreneurs to take advantage of this trend.

One key thing is to consider the power of “word-of-mouth” marketing. You may want to understand your target market and how would they help be your best advocate. This includes being clear on your values, mission, products and services as well as how you’re different from your competition.

Social media can be an incredible way of growing your business. For example: 

  • You might use Twitter to establish your expertise
  • Facebook ads are targetable and help to grow your reach
  • Blogging will keep visitors coming back to your site again and again
  • Emerging networks like Vine, Instagram and Tumblr can help you make your mark
  • Markethive with inbound marketing , built on Blockchain with it's own crypto ( HiveCoin) built for entrepreurs with ALL the tools you will ever needed....

But how do you stay on top of all of the opportunities out there? Read on for tips on using social media to grow your business. 

1.Develop a Content Strategy

In order to make the most of your social media marketing, develop a content strategy first with these resources: 

Build Your Personal Brand Using Social Media – Even if you still have a "day job," social media strategy can help you. Here's how. 

Social Media Marketing Intro  –​ This is a great place to start to get the right overview of social media marketing for your business. 

Real-Time Marketing – "Real-time marketing" is all the rage among big brands like Ford and Pepsico. Here's how you can use it to supercharge your marketing efforts for very few bucks. 

Social Media Influence: Map Your Allies – A vital first step to being successful in social media is figuring out how to reach a receptive audience. Here's what you need to know.

 Social Media Influence: Content Strategy – Once you develop an idea of where your audience is, you can craft an irresistible content plan.

Start and Monetize a Blog

The truth is that making money with a blog can be challenging. But with a strategic approach, and the right tweaks, you can make money with a blog. Here's what you need to know to get started: 

Making Money Online with a Blog –The basics of targeting the right niche. 

Running a Content Business – You may be able to profit from your expertise with a content business. 

Making Money with Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways of making money online. 

Master Specific Social Networks

  • Tumblr 
  • Pinterest
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • FaceBook
  • WebTalk
  • Markethive ( First Social Market Network on Blockchain)

Grow Your Business with Social Media

Markethive is the First social Market Network, built on Blockchain

Markethive is Built for the Entrepreneur

Markethive is not just another social network for the sake of being just another social network. Markethive is the social network for Entrepreneurs as an ecosystem. This ecosystem is built upon the concept of force multipliers.

When you integrate the power of the social network with the technology of Inbound Marketing, a new paradigm has been created giving the little guy and gal unprecedented power to achieve unparalleled success. Not to mention the affiliate potential also included.

Markethive Free Members: All you get for FREE from Markethive

To watch the video, click HERE

MarketHive is an entrepreneurial social marketing platform with the combined strength of LinkedIn, Amazon, Facebook and Marketo.
It delivers a complete ecosystem all built within the blockchain.

If you have an online business, the Markethive system has all the free tools you need to grow your business.

You'll soon discover an incredible number of marketing tools, i.e.:- autoresponder- email, messaging- blogging system- video storage- newsfeed- banner exchange- groups- tutorial system, (to name a few).

All at your disposal f.r.e.e

Right now, you can sign up to Markethive for free and receive 250 HiveCoins straight away and all those tools I mentioned above.

MarketHive members are growing in their level of excitement as the impending launch of MarketHive is growing ever closer.

The excitement seen in the various comments made by members as well as the excitement expressed by the MarketHive team itself is palpable and with each passing day we know that the first official day of MarketHive is quite literally just around the corner a wee bit down the tracks.

The train has already left the station and has entered the tunnel of metamorphosis.


Very soon MarketHive will enter into it's cocoon and begin it's 30 day metamorphosis from a beta company into a fully matured adult company just 30 days later. MarketHive is going to be far more than a mere adult butterfly, but instead is going to be a business portal for many thousands of entrepreneurs globally.

The premium upgrade will be bought by thousands of members very soon after launch I predict because MarketHive offers substantial benefits for the small cost of the premium upgrade. However... Right now in this moment we all have the extremely RARE opportunity to be able to reap a substantial portion of the profits of MarketHive through the Entrepreneur One (E1) upgrade. BUT, the E1 upgrade will be no longer sold via MarketHive once we launch to the world!!!

We are quite literally 'down to the wire' and only those who ACT FAST will be able to obtain your own E1 while they are still available.

We are so close to launching that I'm starting to feel it in my bones. We don't have the date for the launch yet, however I am almost certain that the announcement will be made during one of the next 3 meetings and then the E1 will be on a countdown timer.

You really need to watch the video Tom posted explaining the ILP and how incredible it is going to be for the FEW, WISE E1 upgrades and his projections of what each ILP can generate for you.

At ONLY $100 per E1 upgrade you can't go wrong getting multiple E1 upgrades.

You will be able to sell them later in an internal marketplace for much more than the total cost of the E1, so that is a consideration too.

There are so many different ways that you receive more value than the small $100 monthly cost plus you receive the ILP after the E1 has been paid for.

Of course right now we can get 50% of an ILP after just 12 consecutive monthly E1 payments and with 2 E1s you would have a complete ILP after just one year whereas it normally would take 10 YEARS to achieve that and $12,000.

Instead we can now earn a complete ILP after 2 E1 monthly payments of $200 each or $2,400! That is a simply gargantuan benefit of getting the E1s right now!

I hope you will join the ranks of the E1 members today!

If you're an entrepreneur, you'll want to experience Markethive for yourself.

Get signed up today.

To get started, click HERE

To your success!

Andries van Tonder

Serial Entrepreneur/investor since 2013.
South Africa.

Follow me on FaceBook, Twitter, WebTalk, Instagram & Markethive


Andries Van Tonder Thank you Neal, appreciate it, have a rewarding day
October 3, 2022 at 6:28am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Tan, appreciate it
October 3, 2022 at 6:28am
The Neal and Janet Brown Family Trust Wow Andries, that is a very well put together blog article with lots of great tips and information! Thank you for sharing!
October 3, 2022 at 5:25am
Tan Gerald Feel proud and Blessed to be part of this Global Entrepreneur community. Well explained, Andries about the types of Entrepreneurs.
October 3, 2022 at 2:56am