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Motivational Advice For Starting An Online Business

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on September 14, 2023 - 11:51am

Motivational Advice For Starting An Online Business

Motivation is directly tied to your “why.” If you’re building a business and you don’t understand your reason for doing it, motivation is likely to be in short supply. Finding your unique source of motivation—whether it’s staying connected to your “why” or the promise of reward when you meet your goals—is critical to entrepreneurs, especially in the early stages. 

Draw from that well of inspiration to gain motivation when sales are low or stress is high. Motivation turns positive thinking and good feelings into energy and action. 

This is the motivation that you've been looking for to start building your online business.

Working from home, traveling the world, and making money while you sleep is an appealing lifestyle for many.

However, research shows that building a profitable online business is easier dreamed than done. Anyone can start an online business, but not everyone will take action.

Motivation is a key ingredient for entrepreneurial success. It is the secret sauce that turns a dream into a reality.

Inside this blog, I give the best advice for starting an online business in 2023.

If you're ready to do whatever it takes to start designing life on your terms, you'll want to read this!

Motivation is what gets you started.

Everyone is capable of building an online business. I've never met anyone who isn't capable of it. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone is built for it. Not everyone is willing to go through the entrepreneurial journey.

In the world of entrepreneurship, there are a lot of things that aren't certain. However, there is one thing that you can be certain of – you will encounter failures and disappointments. Success isn't a linear process. Rather, it's a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. There will be ups and downs.

With growth, comes setbacks. It always comes back to this truth… how bad do you want it? Bad enough that you're willing to do anything and everything to achieve success?

When I first started my online business I was willing to sacrifice things that others would not. There was no Plan B for the direction that I wanted my life to take. I was willing to work as if my life depended on it. If I couldn't find a way, I was willing to make a way.

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy.

One of the most common reasons why entrepreneurs give up is because of a lack of determination, motivation, and grit. It takes serious commitment to start and build an online business. You've got to be willing to be all-in.

When people first start their online business there is a surge of excitement and motivation. They are ready to be their own boss, make their own schedule, and have freedom of time. However, they are soon hit with the reality of what it actually takes to be successful.

Running a business is like raising a child. You have to invest an insane amount of time, hard work, and passion into it if you want to see it grow. Here is my BEST advice for starting an online business the right way in 2023.

1. Take Imperfect Action 

A lot of people fall into the trap of saying all of the things that they want to do in their online business. However, they never end up taking action to make them happen. Stop thinking and start doing! Stop wasting time planning and waiting for the perfect time to start. Just start.

When you move into action mode, you beat analysis paralysis. Take action every day to grow your business. It doesn't matter how slow you go, just don't stop. By taking one step at a time and making progress, it will build your confidence. In turn, you will be inspired to do more. This is when your business has the potential to scale.

2. Invest in Yourself 

The more that you learn, the more money that you will earn. It's that simple. If you want to add more value, you must commit to growing and improving yourself. The success that I have today is because of the thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars that I've invested into my personal development.

In short, I took crazy and extreme actions to be successful. I knew that if I wanted to grow my business, I first had to grow myself. I went all in and it paid off. When you first start your online business there is massive a learning curve. I'm not going to lie… it's challenging.

At first, everything is brand new. This is why I'm a big believer in investing in training programs, courses, mentors, and coaches. Anything that helps you fastrack your success and shorten your learning curve is key.

3. Treat Your Online Business Like A Job

Entrepreneurship is a career. If you want to succeed, you have to treat it as such. You can't dabble. A lot of people get themselves into trouble because they don't have any accountability system in place.

In a 9 to 5 job, you are accountable to your boss – you have to do whatever he/she tells you to do. If you don't, you get fired. There are consequences.

However, as an entrepreneur, you are only accountable to yourself. Everything is on YOU. There are no set work hours. Thus, you've got to carve out specific times during the day that you devote to building your business.

You've got to be diligent. If you treat your online business like you would a job, you will make progress and get results. Give your online business the focus that it deserves. Treat it like the real business that it is.

This is my best advice for starting an online business.

Success isn't a matter of ability. Rather, it's a matter of motivation. If you want something bad enough and you refuse to give up, there is no limit to how successful you can be.

Commit to yourself that 2023 will be the year that you build an online business that adds massive value to the world. I know that you're capable of doing it. The question is… do you know?

About: Andries vanTonder 

He is a Serial Entrepreneur, an Enthusiastic supporter of Blockchain Technology and a Cryptocurrency Investor

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