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Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can!

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on March 18, 2023 - 1:42pm

Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can!

Why is perseverance the shortest path to your success

Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can! But how do you become persistent against wind and tide?

Perseverance does not guarantee success, but it does help you achieve it. It is an important strength on the road to success. There are no shortcuts when you pursue a purpose, it requires perseverance and persistence.

So when we talk about success, we are usually talking about processes that can last for days, weeks, or even years. Getting a diploma, a promotion or developing a business takes time.

So, whatever your life goal is, perseverance seems to be an important asset, a factor in your success.

In this article, find out why this is the shortest way to get there and how to do it.

“The path to success is often associated with a long race where endurance is the key …”

Perseverance, a story of mentality

Perseverance will have several definitions depending on the person who interprets it.

If you have been through difficult things in your life, you will certainly find persistence as a necessary quality to face the obstacles in life.

If you are not, perseverance can sometimes be associated with a negative form of obligation.

You have to persevere in your studies, persevere in your work …

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after getting tired of the hard work you already did” 

So you immediately observe the two mindsets associated with these interpretations of perseverance.

It is a natural attitude towards accomplishment, while for others, it is a constant effort to be made to maintain one’s standard of living.

Therefore, seeing perseverance as a negative trait will not be of interest to your life or career.

This must constitute a trait inherent in your personality to succeed in what you undertake, without effort, precisely.

And you, what definition do you identify with?

Persevere to get to know each other better

You have undoubtedly heard this speech before, whether it is from your parents or your partner: “ don’t worry, if you didn’t have this opportunity, it was because it was not made for you ”.

In reality, this type of thinking is not for you.

“You will not find anyone who will be successful without making a sacrifice and without persevering” 

Maybe the opportunity was right for you, but you didn’t put in enough energy, or enough criteria, to make this opportunity happen.

Thus, in the face of failure or disappointment, perseverance comes to play a direct role: that of teaching you more about yourself, your resilience, your ability to move forward.

In this case, perseverance will manifest itself through certain attitudes, such as looking for a solution to your problem, new options to obtain your long-dreamed opportunity …

In fact, perseverance seems to be a path to success … But is it the shortest?

Not necessarily, because you are in a perpetual discovery of yourself: personality, reaction, ambitions, aspirations, these elements evolve from year to year.

On the other hand, your perseverance, being a character trait, stays and allows you to bounce back to seize the opportunities you want.

Having a persevering attitude requires finding the right energy to have sufficient personal resources.

This good energy is earned by adopting a healthy pace of life, itself requiring discipline and investment.

In this, perseverance is at the service of your certain success!

Perseverance in the service of success

If you have a healthy routine and your persistence will enable an iron, then your success will never be far away.

Moreover, no success is achieved overnight.

As the saying goes, “ Rome was not built in a day,” so it’s not with a snap of your fingers that you will get that diploma, that promotion or that dream life you’ve imagined for the past few years.

Indeed, living your dream is not within immediate reach because you imagine your life in a certain way, which can also evolve.

Perseverance also means being resilient in the face of failure, which is also part of the path to success.

As the famous Thomas Edison once said:

“I haven’t failed, I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Perseverance is a permanent state of mind: it is to accept that failures can be put on your road, but also convert them to opportunities to rebound to adjust your path toward your goals, and therefore your success.

Perseverance is synonymous with selflessness, willpower, never giving up.

This mantra must accompany you daily to be put at the service of your success: it is to launch yourself into a marathon every day, not in a speed race.

It is moving forward little by little, without always receiving the desired result at the desired time.

But it’s about continuing to believe in your potential and your ability to make things happen anyway.

Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can! But how do you become persistent against wind and tide?

Celebrate your successes to reward yourself for your persistence.

Why is perseverance the shortest path to your success?

Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can! But how do you become persistent against wind and tide?

Perseverance does not guarantee success, but it does help you achieve it. It is an important strength on the road to success. There are no shortcuts when you pursue a purpose, it requires perseverance and persistence.

So when we talk about success, we are usually talking about processes that can last for days, weeks, or even years. Getting a diploma, a promotion or developing a business takes time.

So, whatever your life goal is, perseverance seems to be an important asset, a factor in your success.

In this article, find out why this is the shortest way to get there and how to do it.

“The path to success is often associated with a long race where endurance is the key …”

Perseverance, a story of mentality

Perseverance will have several definitions depending on the person who interprets it.

If you have been through difficult things in your life, you will certainly find persistence as a necessary quality to face the obstacles in life.

If you are not, perseverance can sometimes be associated with a negative form of obligation.

You have to persevere in your studies, persevere in your work …

“Perseverance is the hard work you do after getting tired of the hard work you already did” 

So you immediately observe the two mindsets associated with these interpretations of perseverance.

It is a natural attitude towards accomplishment, while for others, it is a constant effort to be made to maintain one’s standard of living.

Therefore, seeing perseverance as a negative trait will not be of interest to your life or career.

This must constitute a trait inherent in your personality to succeed in what you undertake, without effort, precisely.

And you, what definition do you identify with?

Persevere to get to know each other better

You have undoubtedly heard this speech before, whether it is from your parents or your partner: “ don’t worry, if you didn’t have this opportunity, it was because it was not made for you ”.

In reality, this type of thinking is not for you.

“You will not find anyone who will be successful without making a sacrifice and without persevering” 

Maybe the opportunity was right for you, but you didn’t put in enough energy, or enough criteria, to make this opportunity happen.

Thus, in the face of failure or disappointment, perseverance comes to play a direct role: that of teaching you more about yourself, your resilience, your ability to move forward.

In this case, perseverance will manifest itself through certain attitudes, such as looking for a solution to your problem, new options to obtain your long-dreamed opportunity …

In fact, perseverance seems to be a path to success … But is it the shortest?

Not necessarily, because you are in a perpetual discovery of yourself: personality, reaction, ambitions, aspirations, these elements evolve from year to year.

On the other hand, your perseverance, being a character trait, stays and allows you to bounce back to seize the opportunities you want.

Having a persevering attitude requires finding the right energy to have sufficient personal resources.

This good energy is earned by adopting a healthy pace of life, itself requiring discipline and investment.

In this, perseverance is at the service of your certain success!

Perseverance in the service of success

If you have a healthy routine and your persistence will enable an iron, then your success will never be far away.

Moreover, no success is achieved overnight.

As the saying goes, “ Rome was not built in a day,” so it’s not with a snap of your fingers that you will get that diploma, that promotion or that dream life you’ve imagined for the past few years.

Indeed, living your dream is not within immediate reach because you imagine your life in a certain way, which can also evolve.

Perseverance also means being resilient in the face of failure, which is also part of the path to success.

As the famous Thomas Edison once said:

“I haven’t failed, I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work.”

Perseverance is a permanent state of mind: it is to accept that failures can be put on your road, but also convert them to opportunities to rebound to adjust your path toward your goals, and therefore your success.

Perseverance is synonymous with selflessness, willpower, never giving up.

This mantra must accompany you daily to be put at the service of your success: it is to launch yourself into a marathon every day, not in a speed race.

It is moving forward little by little, without always receiving the desired result at the desired time.

But it’s about continuing to believe in your potential and your ability to make things happen anyway.

Perseverance is one of the main keys to success: when you want, you can! But how do you become persistent against wind and tide?

Celebrate your successes to reward yourself for your persistence.

How to become perseverant by nature?

Over time, motivation can be strained, and so can your persistence.

Fatigue, loss of morale, major failure … Life is full of ups and downs, but morale is one of your main weapons of perseverance.

By developing a steel mindset, you will consolidate your perseverance and make it your key to success.

To be persistent, you have to know how to be confident and to trust.

It’s about being confident in your own skills, abilities and personality traits that your plans and goals are achievable.

It is also trusting the entourage you have to lead you to new winning opportunities.

Sometimes you also have to trust a little fate, which will put other equally satisfying options in your path.

The most important thing is to have confidence in yourself above all!

In “Unlimited Confidence” gives you the keys to developing your self-confidence.

Also, learn to put yourself into action, to want to act.

You don’t need to always have big ambitions, like becoming famous, but rather have achievable ambitions.

Each small step towards this ambition will generate satisfaction: acting is good, but acting with a goal is even better.

The great leaders of this world have one quality in common, and that is perseverance!

And you, how do you plan to achieve your goals?

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Fulltime Internet Entrepreneur & Invester since 2013

40 years self employed

Connect for me on Facebook, Webtalk, Twitter, Instagram & Markethive

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto, enjoy your weekend
March 18, 2023 at 2:13pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin. So, whatever your life goal is, perseverance seems to be an important asset, a factor in your success.
March 18, 2023 at 1:50pm
Barbrin van Tonder Thanks for sharing Andries. Perseverance is a permanent state of mind: it is to accept that failures can be put on your road, but also convert them to opportunities to rebound to adjust your path toward your goals, and therefore your success.
March 18, 2023 at 1:49pm