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Why are some entrepreneurs more gifted?

Posted by Andries Van Tonder on March 21, 2023 - 6:19am Edited 3/21 at 6:25am

Why are some Entrepreneurs more gifted?

What do you think of when you hear the words, “gifted person?”

If you’re like most people, you typically associate a gifted person with someone that has a genius IQ.

But IQ is a very limited definition of intelligence, and there are many amazing people who often go unnoticed.

Are Successful People Gifted or Do They Just Work Hard?

American society is obsessed with the concept of giftedness. We test our kids to determine if they're gifted, then put them in specialized educational programs designed to maximize their giftedness. But how important is giftedness? Is incredible success possible for average people?

What does it mean to be gifted?
In general, being "gifted" means having intellectual abilities well above the average. People who are considered gifted often have better pattern recognition skills than average, which can make them better equipped to take a fresh approach to problems or recognize an opportunity on the horizon.

While this sounds like a great way to get ahead in business, as any parent of a gifted child can tell you, being gifted can be its own kind of challenge.

The hardship of being gifted
Many children who grow up to be gifted adults demonstrate above average intelligence as children. This can make it difficult for them to fit in with peers, which can cause social awkwardness and frustration. Many gifted kids also find that while they are intellectually advanced, they can struggle with age appropriate reactions to emotions. Kids can end up emotionally isolated, acting like tiny adults, struggling to relate to kids. If parents don't help them correct this tendency, that can translate into a lifelong struggle to relate to other people.

Different types of giftedness
We tend to think of being gifted as being incredibly smart in the ways that are measured by IQ tests. It's important to remember that there are many different ways to be gifted. A person could have average intelligence, but have an exceptional ability to read other people, recognized underserved communities and fresh business opportunities, or have incredible spatial awareness that allows them to reconsider design features.

Just because someone's intelligence presents as average, that doesn't mean that they can't be successful.

What truly creates success?
There's a popular quotation attributed to G. K. Nielsen that says "Successful people are not gifted; they just work hard, and then succeed on purpose."

While being gifted might give someone the idea of a phone that they can carry with them everywhere they go or a camera that stores pictures in terms of 0s and 1s instead of film exposure, it doesn't give them the drive and endurance to bring their idea to fruition.

Successful entrepreneurs are those who work harder, longer, and smarter than those around them. They recognize success in those that work with them, and plan for both long and short term problems and successes. They make life much more interesting for everyone and surround themselves with quirky things.

If you aspire to be an entrepreneur, you've probably already spent time reading about and learning from other successful entrepreneurs. Did you know that Steve Jobs once said that he was convinced that half of what created a successful entrepreneur was perseverance? Starting your own business is hard. It takes time, energy, and money. Many businesses don't so much fail as close, their owners no longer willing or able to continue to fight to make sure their business is one that survives.

While intellectual or interpersonal gifts might help a person succeed at business, there's no way to succeed in business without serious, intense, ongoing effort. Running a business takes intelligence, perseverance, the ability to wear many different hats and juggle a variety of priorities.

So if you're considering whether or not you might become a successful entrepreneur, don't worry about whether you graduated top of your class or know enough trivia to win at board games. Think about whether or not you're willing to put in the effort necessary to learn about marketing, accounting, customer service, product development, and everything else that needs to happen for a business to thrive.

Consider if you have the financial leeway to operate a business at a loss for some time while you figure out the things you don't already know. Contemplate whether or not your family is willing to put up with your absences while you work the weekends and nights that are so often necessary to make the difference between a hobby and an ongoing business.

But don't feel that you need to spend time regretting whether or not you are gifted.

You love spending time alone

Gifted people love spending time alone. The reason gifted people love spending time alone is that they need time alone to process what is happening.

They are constantly exploring and learning which means that they are always processing something within themselves.

In fact, many gifted individuals are introverts, according to Joel Annesley:

“The quiet ones, the introverts, are uniquely gifted. We have tremendous patience and empathy. We don’t need to say much, yet we’re able to build deep connections and rapport with those around us. The act of displaying Quiet Confidence is much easier to cultivate than we think. It’s built-in, a bundled accessory, we simply have to activate it!”

To your success

Andries van Tonder

Fulltime Internet Entrepreneur & Invester since 2013

40 years self employed

Connect for me on Facebook, Webtalk, Twitter, Instagram & Markethive

Andries Van Tonder Thank you Neal
March 23, 2023 at 4:51am
The Neal and Janet Brown Family Trust There are a great many ways to be gifted, and most have nothing related to intelligence quotient (IQ) involved in the area of giftedness. More often it is an average person who is willing to work far harder and / or smarter then the rest, so they can achieve success. This story reminded me of the classification of "idiot savant" where individuals have a mental deficiency but also an area of extreme above average skill in a small area. The category typically fits a lot of the people who are labeled either as mentally deficient or something similar, and also labeled as a genius in their area of expertise... The bottom line of all of this, is that humans vary greatly in their innate abilities and areas of deficiency.
March 22, 2023 at 11:55pm
Joseph Stasaitis Very good info!
March 21, 2023 at 4:41pm
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Otto, I appreciate it
March 21, 2023 at 9:12am
Andries Van Tonder Thank you Barbrin. If you have extreme focus and dedication on a particular area of interest then you might be gifted. The downside to this is that gifted people often overwork themselves.
March 21, 2023 at 6:39am
Barbrin van Tonder Thank you for sharing Andries. I think successful entrepreneurs are those who work harder, longer, and smarter than those around them
March 21, 2023 at 6:33am