“Gold has had one of its more excitable runs since the start of the year. It surged so much in the wake of the Iran airstrikes that it even drew the attention of the broadsheet financial press. So naturally, the price was bound to tank shortly afterwards. Which is precisely what happened this morning. If you’re a gold investor, you might be fretting that gold’s high point for 2020 has already come and gone. I wouldn’t worry.”
USAGOLD note: We mentioned this insightful opinion piece from MoneyWeek’s John Stepek in yesterday’s DMR. We revisit it here for those who might have missed it. Stepek offers some helpful perspective on the gold market’s volatility over the past several days then takes an in-depth look at why “there should always be a bit of it in your portfolio.
MoneyWeek/John Stepek/1-9-2020
Posted on January 10, 2020 by Opinion