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Here Is Your Word For Today

Posted by Franklin Coetzee on February 02, 2021 - 4:24am

Verse:   John 3:27

‘No one can receive anything unless God gives it from heaven.’

- Everything we have in life is a gift from the hand of God.
- Life itself is a gift, and the very breath in our lungs is a gift from God.
- Don’t take things for granted.
- Every good and perfect gift comes to us from the Lord.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are the Giver of every blessing and treasure that I enjoy in my life. I will praise You as long as You lend me the breath in my lungs. I recognise that every good thing comes from You. Amen.

Have a blessed Tuesday.

Laura ashley Powerful verse! Kinda makes you think about who you are relying on to thrive?
February 3, 2021 at 1:09am
Simon Keighley Amen to being gifted from the hand of God, Franklin - have a blessed day.
February 2, 2021 at 8:38am