You have probably heard that the Markethive Consumer Coin (symbol: MHV) has been listed on the exchange.
So that means that MHVs are tradable on that exchange. MHVs are paired with BTC, ETH, & USDT.
NOTE: We have found that new account creation works best in the FIREFOX browser
Click here to use Markethive's referrer link to open your account. NOTE: Raisex's signup process requires the internation code without any preceding 0 (zeroes), eg number say 0xxxxxxxxxxx in uk international code +44 SO entered +44xxxxxxxxxxx (drop front zero) or in US +11231231234 (no parens or dashes)
After creating an account on RAISEX.IO, it is real easy to create a wallet on the exchange for MHV.
First, login to
Click on Wallet and Search for MHV
Then click on deposit and it will create a MHV wallet address for you.
This sets you up to be able to buy & sell MHV. You can use BTC, ETH or USDT to trade MHV. Always generate the wallet first before trading MHV. Without a MHV wallet generated, the funds are phantom, and if wallet is generated later, funds could disappear.
In the BUY form, the first field (designated with "MHV") put the total number of MHV coins you wish to purchase
In the Price field, you put how much per MHV you are willing to pay, in BTC (for this example, if you are purchasing MHV/ETH, you put price in ETH...)
Then you hit the GREEN buy button. You should see your buy order post under the MHV volume/price graph, under BUY ORDERS.
To Sell MHV you use the SELL side of the form and following the same instructions.
Here are some additional notes;
Here is a link to Raisex's FAQ;