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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Craig Reaser on August 15, 2019 - 9:52pm

RAIDA stands for Redundant Array of Independent Detection Agents.  Raida is the only proven Quantum-Safe technology that can protect the privacy and security of digital transactions.  The fundamental element of Cloudcoins RAIDA technology is the shredding or striping of data, which is done at the binary level.  RAIDA is three sextillion times more secure than the bitcoin blockchain and at least 23,000 times faster.                                 Say goodby to massive server rooms and outrageous electric bills because there is no mining involved.  The future money (Cloudcoin) requires no account or special software.  It is hidden inside a JPEG FILE !

Craig Reaser Our mission is to provide a "Perfect" global currency that cannot be counterfeited, mined or lost; 100% private, requires no public ledgers, accounts, or even encryptions. Cloudcoin is a digital currency and the world's first cloud currency.
August 15, 2019 at 10:00pm