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Carbohydrates , Fats & Weight Reduction

Posted by on June 02, 2020 - 6:03am

CARBOHYDRATES, FATS & WEIGHT LOSS -      CARBOHYDRATES -  Carbohydrates play very crucial role in weight reduction. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body which are 55 to 70 per cent of the total diet calories per day. By reducing carbohydrates , you reduce your body weight. If you do not take Carbohydrates then body shall utilise proteins as main energy source. Proteins are a source of energy basically for organs. If the body takes proteins as main source of energy in stead of carbohydrates then organs shall get affected. Normal carbohydrates intake is desirable for the body. More intake of Carbohydrates produce more glucose. Body utilises what it needs. Extra glucose get deposited in liver and muscles as glycogen. Left over glycogen goes to body as fat. Excess of Carbohydrates must be avoided. So there is lot of stress on carbohydrates while going for a weight reduction diet. "No carbohydrates" policy should not be adopted. It can be dangerous. Level of carbohydrates should not go  below 50 to 100 gms per day for day. Carbohydrates make people feel full and, in people who listen to their bodies , may help prevent overeating. The key is to avoid over consuming Carbohydrates.                                FATS - Fats are a storage form of fuel for human body. They are stand by to carbohydrate energy source. Non obese women should have fat 18 to 25% of body weight and men should have 15 to 20%. Each gm of fat has 9 k cals of energy where as each gm of Carbohydrate and protein has 4 k cals. Each gm of fat is more dangerous or risky. Key is not to add fat though butter tastes good. Maintain required level of fats because they have important functions to perform like - insulation and padding, satiety, palatability, has vit A,D,E,K, vital role in blood pressure, nerve system, digestion etc. Normally fats should be 20 to 35 % of the total calories intake. When on weight reduction diet, reduce fats to half.  Regards, Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist