GLYCEMIC INDEX ( GI ) - The term Glycemic Index was invented by David Jenkins and Thomas Wolever of University of Toronto during 1981. This system classifies Carbohydrate foods accordingly to how fast they raise blood glucose levels inside the body. Some foods raise blood glucose fast and these foods are not good for diabetic patients. Foods with low GI are preferred for the diabetic patients. Blood sugar or blood glucose are synonymous.
GI REPLACES SIMPLE AND COMPLEX CARBS - The older concept to classify the carbohydrate was as "Simple" and "Complex" carbhydrates based on their chemical structure of the foods has been replaced by the Glycemic Index concept . Now we mostly refer to GI.
GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI) - It consists of a scale of 1 to 100, indicating the rate at which 50 gms of carbohydrate of a particular food is absorbed into the blood stream as blood sugar. Glucose itself is used as the reference point and glucose is rated as 100.
CLASSIFICATION OF GI - Foods have three categories like High GI , Intermediate GI and Low GI with details like
1. High GI foods( GI 70+ ) which causes a fast rise in blood glucose levels.
2. Intermediate GI ( GI 55-69), which causes a medium rise in blood glucose.
3. Low GI (GI 54 or less ) which causes slower rise in blood sugar.
USE OF GI FOR WEIGHT CONTROL - GI was invented with an aim was to help diabetic patients to manage their blood sugar levels by eating low GI foods. But Dietician and Weight control experts take advantage of this tool for weight management and to treat overweight/ obese people in particular. Sucrose ( table sugar ) is not good for diabetics patients. Then how diabetic patients should enjoy their desire of having sweet eats . Fructose is the good option which is found in fruits. Fructose is called diabetic candies. Fructose does not raise blood glucose levels acutely. So fruits may be taken moderately by knowing their GI values. Go for low GI fruits. Too much fruits are not good even for a normal person and are harmful for diabetics patients in particular. It can lead to weight gain and risk of CVD etc. So moderation is the key.
SOME LOW GI FOODS - apples, oranges,plums, pear, underripe banana, pears, strawberries, blue berries, carrot, green peas,onions, tomatoes, spinach, cucumber, cabbage, mushrooms, broccoli, cauliflower, egg plant, Barley,skimmed milk, plain curd, lentils, peanut, wallnut,almonds,peanut butter, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, eggs, chicken, fish.
Col KG Sharma