DIETARY FIBER - It is a non nutrient part in Carbohydrate foods. TYPES OF FIBERS - 1. Soluble Fibre : It forms gel in the presence of water. 2. Insoluble Fiber - (a) It is a natural laxative. (b) It absorbs water, helps in feel full after eating. (c) It stimulates intestinal walls to contract and relax. (d) It helps in digestion. (e) It beaks up stool and makes it softer. This reduces the risk of hemorrhoids and cancer. Fiber reduces the discomfort of passing stool. WHAT IS FIBER - Dietary fibers are structural components of plants. The type /amount of fiber in plants varies from plant to plant. A common misconception about fiber is that it is not digested by the body. There are some fibers which dissolve and get partially digested. CHEMICALS IN FIBERS - 1. Insoluble Fibers - it has chemicals like cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin. They absorb and hold water. 2. Soluble Fibre - it has chemicals like pectin, mucilage,gums. They get broken partially and hold water. WHAT DOES FIBER DO - Fiber helps in digestion. Effects depends upon the types of fiber. Fiber has the ability to hold water to bind minerals and Cholesterol like materials for good digestion. Functions of FIber at various stages in the body like 1. In the mouth - Fiber stimulates the flow of saliva. 2. In stomach and small intestine - Fiber delays the emptying of food and it gives more time for absorption of the food. It also gives satiety. 3. In large intestine - Fiber dilutes the contents. Insoluble Fiber in lower intestine softens the stool and increases stool size for smooth elimination process subsequently. 4. In large intestine - Fiber binds certain cholesterol chemicals, it lowers cholesterol. It is positive action. Fiber binds some minerals, it decreases absorption which is less desirable. PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS - Fiber is beneficial like 1. Prevent arteriosclerosis ( hardening of the arteries ). 2. Excess food intake. 3. Diverticular disease. 4. Irritable Bowel Syndrome. 5. Crohn's disease. 6. Gallstone formation. 7. Constipation. WHERE DO YOU GET FIBER - Rather than take supplements, go for foods which are rich in fiber. Different foods have different levels of fibers. Healthy diet should have both soluble and insoluble Fibers. Soluble fibre around 8 gms per day should be taken from fruits like apples and citrus , vegetables like green leafy vegetables, oats. MAJOR SOURCES OF INSOLUBLE FIBERS - sources are wheat bran, whole grain, legumes, most fruits and vegetables. HOW MUCH FIBER DO WE NEED PER DAY - RDA for adult is 20 to 25 gms per day which includes 8 gms of soluble fibre. Children need less fiber as compared to adult. Children should take fiber at the rate of ( age plus 5 gms ) per day. TOXICITY OF FIBER - 1. Causes distention and diarrhea. 2. Colon obstruction. 3. Interfere in absorption of some minerals. If more fibers have been taken then take a lot of water. HOW FIBER HELPS TV IN WEIGHT REDUCTION - For weight reduction, sufficient vegetables and fruits are taken. All have adequate fiber. Fibers helps in removing constipation. Intake of food and bowel movement should be smooth. Constipation is not good for a person intending to reduce weight.
Regards, Col KG Sharma Nutritionist, Certificates in Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management