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Energy Nutrients

Posted by on May 30, 2020 - 12:50pm

THE ENERGY NUTRIENTS (Components of Healthy Diet )                                                                NUTRIENTS - There are six important nutrients like  1. Carbohydrates.  2. Proteins. 3. Fats. 4. Vitamins. 5. Minerals. 6. Water.                                          IMPORTANCE OF DIET DURING DIFFERENT STAGES OF LIFE.                                                            1. FIrst stage as a child -  For growth and appropriate milestones , a child needs breast milk, energy rich foods ( fats, sugar ).                                  2. Second stage -  For growth, developed and to fight infection , energy rich, body building and protective  like milk, vegetables and fruits are required.                                                                          3. Third stage - when young person is entering adolescent stage of spurt, maturation and bone development like body building and protective foods are needed. During this stage, energy intake is the maximum among all the five stages.               4. For  maintaining health, productivity and prevention of diet related disease and to support pregnancy/ lactation.                                                     5. Last and the fifth stage - For being physically active and healthy, low fat foods are required.             ENERGY YIELDING NUTRIENTS - carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are required in large quantity on daily basis and they are described as Macronutrients. They are also called Organic because they have CHO ( carbon, hydrogen, oxygen ).Vitamins, minerals and water do not yield energy. Vitamins are also called Organic nutrients. Minerals and water are inorganic because they do not have carbon and they have oxygen and hydrogen. Vitamins and minerals are required in small quantities and they are called micronutrient. But they are equally important for good health.              MAJOR NUTRIENTS                                                      1. Energy Rich Foods - carbohydrates and fats provide energy ( sources cereals, veg oils, butter, oil seeds, sugar  .                                                                 2. Body building food -  Proteins are required for body building ( sources pulses,nuts, milk, non veg )  3. Protective food - Vitamins and minerals are required ( sources green leafy vegetables, fruits and milk ).                                                              ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS - The nutrients which body can not make itself but are required from out side sources. They are called essential nutrients.             MAIN FUNCTIONS OF NUTRIENTS - good health, energy, organ functions, food utilisation and cell growth.                                                                      WHAT DO NUTRIENTS DO ? - They maintain our lives. The macronutrients provide energy. The micronutrients release energy. Each one is crucial. ANTI NUTRIENTS - No book on nutrition is complete without mention of anti nutrients. Nutrients maintain life, the anti nutrients are harmful to life. They stop nutrients being absorbed and used by the body. They promote excretion of beneficial nutrients. Alcohol, cigarettes, manmade chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics etc are some of  anti nutrients. In some cases, even tap water can be classified anti nutrient if contains nitrates,lead or aluminium etc. Fried food, food cooked on a barbeque and burnt food can be called anti nutrients because they cause free radicals to damage our cells. Asprin is anti nutrient. So take medicines when prescribed by a doctor. Take alcohol in moderation.                                                Good health is a state of complete physical( be physically fit ), mental ( be Happy ) and social well being (be social by maintain social distance ).        Regards,                                                                        Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist.                                    VLCC Certificates in Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management