The total amount of energy required by individuals depends on the level of activity and on their body weight. The more active and the heavier they are, the more energy they require.
Energy used up for various activities are given below
1. Sitting- Energy expenditure is 1.4 k cals per minute. In one hour- 90 k cals
2. Standing - Energy expenditure is 1.5 k cals per minute. In one hour- 100 k cals
3 Washing, dressing - Energy expenditure is 4 k cals per minute. In one hour- 240 k cals
4. Walking slowly - Energy expenditure is 3 k cals per minute. In one hour- 180 k cals
5. Walking moderately quickly-Energy expenditure is 5k cals /minute. In one hour- 300 k cals
6.Walking up & down stairs - Energy expenditure is 9 cals per minute. In one hour-550 k cals
7. Light work ( domestic, golf, lorry driving etc ) - Energy expenditure is 2.4 to 4.7 k cals per minute. In one hour- 150 to 300 k cals
8. Moderate work (gardening, tennis, dancing, jogging, cycling, digging) - Energy expenditure is 4.8 to 7 k cals per minute. In one hour- 300 to 430 k cals.
9. Strenuous work ( cross country, running, football, swim) Energy expenditure is 7 plus k cals per minute. In one hour- 430 plus k cals .
The rates of Energy Expenditure during physical activity vary depending upon intensity, duration and the frequency of the activity and on the body mass and fitness of the person performing the activity. During working hours, there is decreased physical activity and physical activity is more dominant during leisure time. The physiology, behaviour and lifestyle play major roles in determining energy expended activity.
Energy expended in daily activities can help to balance the energy balance equation
1. By making energy out to equal to energy in or
2. It can unbalance the equation by allowing energy out to exceed energy in
Exercise is the obvious way to increase energy expenditure.
Another important consideration is to control consumption of food once the body has gone through light to moderate to strenuous work. The body shall need more but you give it less.
1. Walk - My body and age did not permit me to go for strenuous or moderate walk. With slow walk, I could afford to burn up to 200 k cals. Instead 2 hours walk, I increased my number of walks per day to three. So on average, I was burning 600 k cals. Initially my body was too weak to walk continuously for one hour but I never gave up. I used to walk for 20 minutes and then take rest for five minutes. Repeat this three times to achieve one hour walk. When body was toned up then sometimes I used to walk for four hours in a day. One hour at a time to avoid damage to my leg muscles. Recently my cardiologist advised me to cut down my walk. Now I walk about one hour plus and give one hour for Lymphatic Exercises. So through walk, I was burning 600 k cals during the period of weight reduction.
2. Check on my food consumption - I went for a balanced diet concept. No to fried items, no to bakery items, no to sugar. Fruit only 100 gms per day. Dry fruits 15 to 20 gms per day. A glass of skimmed milk. No to butter. No to alcohol. I was noting down all foods intake in my diary every day. Taking a lot of salad. My intake was around 1600 to 1700 k cals.
3. My body requirement is around 2000 k cals. My body was getting 1100 ( 1700-600 ) k cals. Thus negative balance was created. With negative balance you can lose 2 to 3 kgs per month.
4. My weight on 15th Dec was 60.5 kgs and today morning it 60.8 kgs. My effort remains that my weight should be between 61.5 kgs to 59.5 kgs. When it crosses the limit on either side, I take steps to bring it back to 60.5 kgs.
Please plan to reduce 10% of body weight unlike me. It is risky to lose weight in excess. Losing 10% is risk free and it can give you a lot of health benefits. If your body is weak, do not give up. Try to move. Walk for 10 to 15 minutes per day and slowly build it up. My weight losing story is not exaggeration but it is all facts. Good wishes to all who wish to lose weight or who want to maintain it. First aim should be not let the weight increase. Regards,
Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist
VLCC certificates in Clinical Nutrition & Weight Management.