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Weight Management

Posted by on June 06, 2020 - 8:13am



Overweight/obesity is the cause of many non- communicable diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, fatty liver, orthopedic disorder,  certain types of cancers and psycho-social problems. About 30 to 50% of Indian adults are overweight or obese. The imbalance between the Energy Intake and Energy Output leads to excess accumulation  of fat in various parts of the body.


1.  There is no clear definition of a desirable or ideal weight in BMI concept.

2. Body weight for a given height of person with good health and long lifespan is considered as Ideal Body Weight.

3. The most commonly used ratio is the BMI. It is computed by dividing weight in kgs by the square of the height in meters.

BMI = Weight in kgs/height in m*m .

4. Ideal Body Weight Range ( IBWR)  concept devised by Lt Col KG Sharma

 (a) This concept has been devised by me. Set point theory advocates that weight cannot be a figure on the scale. It should be weight in some range and it should fluctuate by some kgs within that normal range. The Set Point theory supports my Ideal Body Weight Range.

5. To define Ideal Body Weight Range, first take Ideal Body weight in kgs as per the Broca's Index formula which is equal to Height in cms - 100 for males and Height in cms- 105 for females. 

Then Formula of Ideal Body Weight Range in for male =  Ideal body weight  to ( ideal body weight - 10% of Ideal body weight) . For females, Ideal weight is height in cms - 105.        Then Body Weight Range =  ideal weight - ( ideal weight - 10 % of ideal weight ) 

For example for a male of 166 cms, Ideal body weight = 166-100 = 66 kgs

Ideal Body Weight Range =  66 kgs to ( 66- 10%66 ) kgs  

                                                 = 66 kgs to 59.4 kgs

One should try to achieve this weight range. As a Nutritionist, I suggest my patients to achieve this Ideal Body Weight Range. 


1. Definition of obesity is based on the degree of fat.

2. The fat around abdomen is considered more harmful than fat around the hips.

3. Accumulation of fat around abdomen is indicated by the higher waist line circumference . Higher the waist line, Higher the risk. Cut off line for male is 90cms and for women is 80cms. I have reached 90 cms from 120cms thus losing 30sms. Click of my old belt is given for people  on WhatsApp groups. Old and present holes of belt under use are shown with white paint. 30 cms is a distance between two white points. I have preserved this belt as a souvenir.

4.  In general , BMI ranging from 18.5 to 25 is considered to be normal. However for Asian, BMI is recommended from 18.5 to 23 is considered Normal because they tend to have higher percentage body fat even at lower BMI, which puts them at higher risk of chronic non communicable diseases. The BMI concept is applicable for adults for accuracy.


1. The waist circumference and waist to hip ratio are useful for estimation of central obesity.

2. Waist to hip ratio for men should be 0.9 or below and for women 0.8 or below. Waist circumference should be for men should be 90 cms or below and for women 80cms or below.

3. Low and high birth weight (< 2500 gms  and >3500gms ) , obesity during childhood and adolescence  are likely to lead obesity in adults.

4. The body weight must be checked periodically.

5.  Hours spent in watching television is strongly associated with  weight gain in childhood and adolescents.

6.  Adults usually tend to gain weight between the age of 25 to 50 years.

7. In women, obesity develops just around pregnancy and after menopause.


Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist

VLCC Cetificates in Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management.

( ---------------- tomorrow we continue with article of Reducing Body Weight )